

Цай Го-Цян

In dieser Installation namens Endless schafft der in New York lebende Künstler Cai Guo Qiang eine ruhige Atmosphäre, in der klassische Holzschiffe auf grünen, nebligen Wasserwellen schweben. Die Schiffe scheinen mitten im Meer verloren zu treiben, während eine Wellenmaschine ruhige Wellen erzeugt und eine Nebelmaschine den Raum mit einem verschwommenen Dunst füllt. Während die Schiffe langsam und endlos im Wasser schaukeln, befinden sich die Betrachter in einer ruhigen, reflektierenden Atmosphäre. Der Künstler bezieht zwei Arten von Schiffen als Aussage über die Interaktion zweier Welten ein. Zwei Houri-Boote, die normalerweise in der Golfregion zu sehen sind, sind jeweils etwa 244 Zoll lang, während ein chinesisches Fischerboot, das seit Jahrhunderten in Qanzhou eingesetzt wird, 800 Zoll lang ist. Die beruhigende Umgebung, die von Cai Guo Qiang geschaffen wurde, löst meditative Gedanken über alte Kulturen und Traditionen aus, die an einem Ort zusammenkommen, während die physische Repräsentation zweier Welten, Ost und Naher Osten, in einem endlosen Meer friedlicher Bewegung nebeneinander schwebt.


Paradoxal Sleep
File Festival
O projeto “Paradoxal Sleep” integra uma série de obras na qual grandes cubos robotizados, medindo 2,25 m3, funcionam como estruturas flutuantes usadas como plataformas para vários projetos multimídia e performances. No FILE 2012, a equipe da NXI GESTATIO apresentará um único cubo que irá se mover nos espaços expositivos. O cubo reajustará constantemente sua posição medindo a distância entre as paredes ao redor.


The “Paradoxal Sleep” project integrates a series of works in which large robotic cubes, measuring 2.25 m3, function as floating structures used as platforms for various multimedia projects and performances. At FILE 2012, the NXI GESTATIO team will present a single cube that will move in the exhibition spaces. The cube will constantly readjust its position by measuring the distance between the surrounding walls.

Yasmin Whitlock

Yasmin Whitlock

“When you look into the work of designer Yaz Whitlock, you can’t help but notice the dichotomy: elements of fertility and celebrations of the placenta are blended into symbols of birth control.” Pedro Milanezi


“Lorsque vous examinez le travail du designer Yaz Whitlock, vous ne pouvez pas vous empêcher de remarquer la dichotomie: des éléments de fertilité et des célébrations du placenta sont mélangés dans des symboles de contrôle des naissances.” Pedro Milanezi

Es Devlin

Devlin’s latest installtion is ‘BLUESKYWHITE’, a large-scale work commissioned by 180 Studios, which is currently showing at LUX: New Wave of Contemporary Art, a new exhibition co-curated by Fact and SUUM Project. The work combines light, music and language, and was conceived as a sculptural expression of our emotional response to the possible extinction of blue sky. The installation is formed of two parts: In Part I, text from Byron’s 1816 poem Darkness underscores the viewer’s passage through a 24m long red-lit tunnel. Part II draws from contemporary solar geo-engineering models documented by Elizabeth Kolbert and others which suggest that a haze of suspended particles might reduce global temperature to pre-industrial levels and might also turn the blue sky white.

zach blas

Zach Blas(United States、1981)の作品は、テクノクラート社会の限界と基盤を描くことを目的として、視覚言語の慣習、価値体系、デジタル技術に内在する力のダイナミクスをさまざまな文脈で分析、調査、配置しています。 。 彼の分析とデジタル文化への反映のために、彼は映画、彫刻、執筆、パフォーマンスなど、さまざまな表現形式を使用しています。 ブラスはブラックユーモアと理論的研究に取り組んでおり、彼の最も顕著な影響の中には、神秘主義の伝統、サイエンスフィクションのジャンル、ップカルチャー、クィアの美学があります。



The work of Zach Blas (United States, 1981) analyzes and explores the dynamics of visual language practices, value systems, and the forces inherent in digital technology in a variety of contexts, with the aim of depicting the limits and foundations of technocratic societies. I have placed it. .. For his analysis and reflection in digital culture, he uses a variety of forms of expression, including film, sculpture, writing and performance. Brass works on black humor and theoretical research, and among his most prominent influences are the mystical tradition, the genre of science fiction, pop culture, and the aesthetics of queer.


eric cahan

sky series

纽约摄影师埃里克·卡汉(eric cahan)已将其正在进行的名为“天空系列”的视觉系列添加到他的作品中 作品描绘了日出和日落的自然多色现象,每件作品都精心记录了时间和位置-使观众能够充分体会到这一刻和所捕捉的记忆。 迷人的地平线只能由photoshop进行最小程度的修饰,在该过程中,主要过程是由cahan自己将其放置在镜头前的彩色树脂滤光片完成的。 需要一定的技巧,才可以仔细选择滤波器的类型,以达到理想的效果,而“天空系列”则代表了该技术在日出和日落时效果最好的地方。

Alex Verhaest

À la folie/To Insanity

Gregor and Grete don’t understand one another anymore. Their common language, which used to be based on love, has disappeared. She accuses him of becoming a sickening crustacean, while he says she’s degenerated into some kind of mollusc. Through a failing memory and ever-changing versions of the same story, the viewer and characters become embroiled in a false history.





Light is using high-precision lasers to draw continuous abstract shapes on the screen, perfectly synchronized with the sound. Intense light contrasts with total darkness, and slow movements and the evolution of small details are as important as strong gestures. The result is both quaint and futuristic. Emerging models leave room for many possible explanations. Hieroglyphs, symbols in an unknown language, architectural drawings, connections between data points, or early video games like Tron are magnified 1,000 times.



La lumière utilise des lasers de haute précision pour dessiner des formes abstraites continues sur l’écran, parfaitement synchronisées avec le son. La lumière forte contraste avec l’obscurité totale, le ralenti et l’évolution des petits détails sont aussi importants que les gestes forts. Le résultat est à la fois pittoresque et futuriste. Les modèles émergents laissent place à de nombreuses explications possibles. Les hiéroglyphes, les symboles dans une langue inconnue, les dessins d’architecture, les connexions entre les points de données ou les premiers jeux vidéo comme Tron sont agrandis 1 000 fois.


徐震是当今中国最有趣,最有前途的艺术家之一。 徐震是一位概念画家,是一位概念画家,他的作品经常采取挑衅性的雕塑,置和干预的形式,面对当代中国和中国的社会政治禁忌,这是一位顽强的艺术家,对全球信息有强烈的需求,并且具有跨多种平台和媒体制作作品的独特能力。


Xu Zhen is one of the most interesting and promising artists in China today. Xu Zhen is a conceptual painter and a conceptual painter. His works often take the form of provocative sculptures, installations and interventions. Faced with contemporary China and China’s social and political taboos, this is a tenacious artist. There is a strong demand for global information and the unique ability to produce works across multiple platforms and media.


Xu Zhen è uno degli artisti più interessanti e promettenti in Cina oggi. Xu Zhen è un pittore concettuale e un pittore concettuale. Le sue opere assumono spesso la forma di sculture, installazioni e interventi provocatori. Di fronte alla Cina contemporanea e ai tabù sociali e politici della Cina, questo è un artista tenace. C’è una forte richiesta di informazioni globali e la capacità unica di produrre opere su più piattaforme e media.


Denis Villeneuve


“Arrival’s narrative plays out in four languages: English, Mandarin, Russian and Heptapod. Though they are not spoken in the film, we learn that Louise is also fluent in Farsi, Sanskrit and Portuguese (and possibly others). The language learning process and the growing translingual bond between Louise and the heptapods forms the film’s narrative arc and the majority of its plot. Thus language, and specifically the mechanics of ←215 | 216→multilingualism, is Arrival’s central theme. Within this context, the ability to communicate across language barriers is an asset, and the flexibility to navigate new linguistic challenges is invaluable. The heptapods are pure science fiction, but serve a powerful metaphorical function. As Emily Alder (2016) writes in The Conversation, “ultimately, Arrival is less about communicating with the aliens than with each other – internationally but also individually […] The film’s message is that difference is not about body shape or colour but language, culture and ways of thinking. It’s not about erasing that difference but communicating through it”. Gemma King


语言学习过程以及路易丝与七足动物之间越来越多的跨语言联系形成了电影的叙事弧线和大部分情节。 因此,语言,尤其是←215的机制| 216→使用多种语言是到达中心的主题


Процесс изучения языка и растущая межъязыковая связь между Луизой и гептаподами составляют повествовательную дугу фильма и большую часть его сюжета. Таким образом, язык и, в частности, механика ← 215 | 216 → многоязычие – центральная тема Арривала.

studio smack

PARADISE – A contemporary interpretation of The Garden of Earthly Delights

Lo Studio Smack, meglio conosciuto per il video musicale Witch Doctor di De Staat, ha rilasciato una nuova animazione: un’interpretazione contemporanea di uno dei dipinti più famosi del primo maestro olandese Hieronymus Bosch, The Garden of Earthly Delights. Nel loro ultimo lavoro, il gruppo ha ripulito il paesaggio originale del pannello centrale del dipinto di Bosch e lo ha ricostruito in un’allucinante animazione 4K. Le creature che popolano questo parco giochi al coperto incarnano gli eccessi e i desideri della civiltà occidentale del XXI secolo. Consumismo, egoismo, evasione, richiamo dell’erotismo, vanità e decadenza. Tutti i personaggi sono metafore per la nostra società in cui i solitari sciamano nel loro mondo dei sogni digitale. Sono riflessi simbolici dell’ego e dell’immaginazione delle persone come si vedono, a differenza della versione di Bosch, in cui tutti gli individui sembrano più o meno uguali. Da un Hello Kitty arrapato a un serpente del pene che caccia alla coca Da uno spybot incarnato a polli fritti senza testa. Questi personaggi, una volta figure di sogno dipinte con precisione, sono ora modelli 3D creati digitalmente. A tutti loro è stato dato il proprio ciclo di animazione per vagare nel paesaggio. Inserendoli tutti insieme in questo affresco sintetico, il quadro non è mai lo stesso. Ciò che l’animazione e il trittico di Bosch hanno in comune è che difficilmente riuscirai a sopportare tutto, puoi guardarlo per ore. “Paradise” è stato commissionato dal Museo MOTI nei Paesi Bassi per la mostra New Delights, che fa parte del 500 ° anniversario di Hieronymus Bosch. Una gigantesca installazione video di quest’opera è esposta nel Museo fino al 31 dicembre 2016.

Mark Dorf

Contours proposes a distancing through de-familiarization of what has become concrete by way of image and language. Active contradiction and abstraction are central to the works through a mixture of variables often seen in opposition or as dis-harmonious. Through the presentation of puzzling symbols, both familiar and skewed, a legible illegibility is produced: information being transmitted, but the immediate read obscured and hidden from sight. Through this, current sight-lines are made visible allowing for critical reflection, while simultaneously revealing the flexibility of language and image in order to engender the possibility of alternative understandings of the world: a crucial consideration in context of our contemporary global social and political shifts.

heinz mack

The Sky over Nine Columns
Heinz Mack has developed a genuine language of light and colour since the 1950s and is a leading exponent of kinetic art. The concept of ‘Light Stele’, to which ‘The Sky Over Nine Columns’ refers, was first formulated by Mack in the late 1950s in his Sahara Project. His works in public spaces – whether in urban settings or nature – are always conceived as objects for light: “Light is decisive for my art. As far as light is concerned, I want to go to the limits of the possible.” (Heinz Mack)

stefan basic, ana sulkic and igor sjeverac

heroic free shipping
venice biennale architecture 2016

進歩の「英雄的」スローガンの下で、20世紀は建築を通して人生を再定義するという夢を夢見てきました。 それは英雄を生み出しました、そして、彼らは時間とともに個人として姿を消しました。 少数の巨人に加えて、今では多数の未知のヒーローの現実を実行しています。 幸運の兵士、フリーランサー、1対1のスケールのヒーロー。 おそらく素晴らしいアイデアが欠けていますが、反逆の罪は存在します。 私たちは、現在の秩序に抵抗し、彼らが置かれている状況の全重量を受け入れる個人の力の可能性を避けられないと考えています。 建築の実現/実行の夢に耐える彼らの強さは恐ろしいものです。 パビリオンは、「冗長な」建築家の存在に対する意識を高めることを目指しており、変化を起こしたいという彼らのエネルギーと粘り強さを祝い、痕跡を残すことの象徴になります。


The Color Project

MPC New York und ich wurden eingeladen, ein generatives Kunstwerk für den hochkarätigen Start des Media Centers beizusteuern. ‘The Color Project’ ist Teil eines fortlaufenden F & E-Konzepts, das von mir und MPC Digital entwickelt wurde. Das Startstück bleibt als eine von fünf permanenten Installationen im Zentrum zu sehen. Das Made in NY Media Center von IFP bringt Innovatoren aus verschiedenen Kreativbranchen und aus allen Regionen zusammen widmet sich der Definition und Förderung der Zukunft des digitalen Geschichtenerzählens. Der Raum befähigt Künstler, indem er sie mit Ressourcen und Publikum verbindet, um ihre Kunst weiterzuentwickeln. Das Farbprojekt konzentriert sich auf die Erforschung von Erzählungen anhand von Farben, Linien und Formen, die in geografischen Satellitenbildern zu finden sind. Diese Implementierung des Projekts hebt die Schauplätze vieler Filme hervor, die von IFP verfochten wurden. Die formalen Motive jedes Filmortes werden in Form eines Rasters von 162 Globen untersucht. In wunderschöner Synchronizität taucht jede Ansicht zuerst aus dem Weltraum auf und bleibt bei einer einzelnen Farbe in der Landschaft stehen, wodurch ein ortsspezifisches Mosaik entsteht. Das Stück springt von einem Ort zum nächsten und zeigt den Charakter von Bogotá, Kolumbien (Maria voller Anmut), Cleveland, New York City, Florida (Fremder als das Paradies), Vietnam und Virginia (Der gefährlichste Mann in Amerika: Daniel Ellsberg) und die Pentagon Papers), während sie gleichzeitig auf den Kontrast zwischen den Standorten aufmerksam machen. Das Stück verwendet Google Earth und eine benutzerdefinierte Software zeichnet programmgesteuert die geografischen Merkmale jedes Standorts auf, die auf einer beeindruckenden Wand aus 27 HD-Bildschirmen dargestellt werden.


Deep Walls

《 Deep Walls》是投影的电影回忆内阁。当一个人走进其投影光束时,交互式墙开始记录他的阴影以及跟随者的阴影。当最后一个人离开框架时,阴影在十六个矩形小橱柜中的一个内无限重播。与结构主义电影一样,重复性视频的收集成为其自身的对象,而不是严格地具有代表性的“电影”。 “深墙”在电影循环之间创建了复杂的时间关系。每个小阴影胶片都有精确的记录持续时间:从几秒钟到几小时。 16帧之间的时间关系变得复杂(以类似于Brian Eno的磁带循环实验的方式),将不同持续时间的单个记录循环播放,以创建连续几天都不重复的构图。 Deep Walls的灵感来自Jan Svankmajer和Quay Brothers的超现实主义电影以及Joseph Cornell的雕塑。在他们的电影和雕塑中,小尸体和强迫性地收藏在橱柜和抽屉中的物品代表着心理和精神状态。组织的理性过程带来了一种无意识的非理性。 Deep Walls的名称受到建筑师克里斯托弗·亚历山大(Christopher Alexander)的“图案语言”(Pattern Language)设计图案的启发。他建议建造厚厚的房屋墙壁,以便居民自己可以雕刻出橱柜,抽屉和窗户来个性化房屋。本着亚历山大的精神,这部作品逐渐记住了其表面上的环境内容。