
QUBIT AI: Ines Alpha

3D Makeup

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival

Ines Alpha, a digital artist specializing in 3D makeup, constantly seeks artistic collaborations that transcend her own face. Working only on her personal characteristics became restrictive and monotonous for Ines. Starting from faces as blank canvases, she incorporates digital elements that ‘amplify‘ unique personalities, styles and essences.


Ines Alpha is a digital artist internationally recognized for her unique 3D makeup style, developed while working in the beauty industry as an art director. Her innovative approach combines makeup with technology, creating ethereal and futuristic narratives, and redefining the future of aesthetics in the world of beauty.

Diane Sagnier


Ines Alpha likes blurring the frontiers between reality and fiction. And by being a 3D makeup artist she makes reality more fantastic and surreal.
Ines Alpha 喜欢模糊现实与虚构之间的界限。作为一名 3D 化妆师,她让现实变得更加梦幻和超现实。
Ines Alpha는 현실과 허구의 경계를 모호하게 만드는 것을 좋아합니다. 그리고 그녀는 3D 메이크업 아티스트가 됨으로써 현실을 더욱 환상적이고 초현실적으로 만듭니다.


LED Eyelash
The LED Eyelash project is brought into the world from a simple question: Why do women want larger and bigger eyes? Asian women tend to have stronger needs for bigger eyes as a standard of beauty, but relatively few of them are born with naturally big eyes. Those without big eyes can only look for alternative ways to make their eyes look prettier, i.e., larger, by using a repertoire of skills such as putting on makeup and wearing jewelry. Sometimes, the desires for bigger eyes can become almost obsessive, and many women opt for plastic surgery in order to make their dream come true. Soomi calls this, the fetish of Big Eyes. LED Eyelash is a clever product that speaks to many women’s desire for bigger eyes. It features a sensor to turn on and/or off. The sensor can perceive the movements of the pupil in the eyes and eyelids. If you wear it and move your head, LED Eyelash will flicker following your movements. It is as simple to use as wearing false eyelashes and as easy to remove as taking off a piece of jewelry.


antivirus mask and 3d makeups

“She tries to fantasize what complete aesthetic freedom of one’s appearance would look like. Her goal is to encourage a fun and creative approach to make up and self expression. By completely thrashing all preconceptions of what make-up is and how it’s used, Ines collaborates with various artists, musicians and models to produce her own fantastical versions of reality“. Teo Sandigliano


سيندي شيرمان
סינדי שרמן
신디 셔먼
history portraits

Working as her own model for more than 30 years, Sherman has captured herself in a range of guises and personas which are at turns amusing and disturbing, distasteful and affecting. To create her photographs, she assumes multiple roles of photographer, model, makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist, and wardrobe mistress. With an arsenal of wigs, costumes, makeup, prosthetics, and props, Sherman has deftly altered her physique and surroundings to create a myriad of intriguing tableaus and characters, from screen siren to clown to aging socialite.