
Studio Smack

Tribe City
Hundreds of beings and dreamlike and dystopian elements inhabit the digital and autonomous works that are part of this project. “It’s a portrait of the masses,” summarise the artists, whose fascination with group dynamics, technological phenomena and the ego are expressed in Tribe with an eclectic selection of individuals who bring to life deeply recognisable social attitudes. Collective behaviour and manipulation are recurring themes in SMACK’s work, which often uses popular visual references and light-hearted aesthetics to present us with an uncomfortable reflection of who we are.

Joey Skaggs

Art of The Prank
“Media Prank” and “Culture Jamming” were the main anti-media countercultural tactics. Skaags was the “grandfather” of the so-called “media hoax“. Long before discussions of “fake news” or “memes” , he used lying and manipulation against the corporate media itself, producing funny, cynical and ironic effects. He made the mainstream media experience its own poison over and over again.” Wilson Roberto Vieira Ferreira
“Media Prank” und “Culture Jamming” waren die wichtigsten anti-medialen gegenkulturellen Taktiken. Skaags war der “Großvater” des sogenannten “Medienhoax”. Lange bevor er über “Fake News” oder “Meme” diskutierte, setzte er Lügen und Manipulationen gegen die Konzernmedien selbst ein und erzeugte lustige, zynische und ironische Effekte. Er ließ die Mainstream-Medien immer wieder ihr eigenes Gift erfahren.” Wilson Roberto Vieira Ferreira
“Media Prank” (pegadinhas) e “Culture Jamming” (trolagens) foram as principais táticas contraculturais antimídia. Skaags foi o “avô” dos chamados “media hoax”. Muito tempo antes das discussões sobre “fake news” ou “memes”, ele usou a mentira e a manipulação contra a própria mídia corporativa, produzindo efeitos engraçados, cínicos e irônicos. Fez por inúmeras vezes a grande mídia experimentar seu próprio veneno.” Wilson Roberto Vieira Ferreira

clement valla

Valla claimed to have collected a series of 60 “surrealistic” images, or that, at least, give that impression, during a long period “playing” in Google Earth.“The images are a kind of mirrors for a fun house.They are strange illusions and reflections of the real ”Despite the strong distortions, which easily resemble a surrealist painting, the images of the work do not have any manipulation of tools like Photoshop, for example.”The images are screenshots of Earth with basic color adjustments”, “This is a construction of 3D maps on two-dimensional bases, creating these fabulous and unintended distortions”.


Frederik Heyman and Wout Bosschaert

For MOMU3, Frederik Heyman creates, in collaboration with graphic artist Wout Bosschaert, 3 fashion films in which he infuses the rich collection of the ModeMuseum with digital life by using 3D scans and manipulations.


MOMU3 では、フレデリック ヘイマンがグラフィック アーティストの Wout Bosschaert と協力して、3D デジタル化と操作を使用して ModeMuseum の膨大なコレクションにデジタル ライフをもたらす 3 つのファッション映画を制作しました。


daniel gazana

atro enlevo

Entouré d’une atmosphère dense obtenue par la manipulation de voix de chansons anciennes et utilisant divers fragments de compositions industrielles, élaborés selon les paramètres réglables utilisés dans des logiciels spécifiques manipulés par un contrôleur MIDI, l’œuvre «Atro Enlevo» conduit l’auditeur dans l’obscurité et sortilège mystérieux.


work atro enlevo

marleen sleeuwits

object no. 9

Marleen Sleeuwits is inspired by impersonal environments—places that could be anywhere and nowhere—such as vacant zones in airports, unoccupied corridors of hotels, and empty rooms in office buildings. The Netherlands-based artist is attracted to these non-spaces for the lack of impression they leave on people; her work focuses on finding ways of visualizing the identity of these voids and connecting to them in novel ways. Through structural contradiction, illusion, and the manipulation of scale, she aims to transform viewers’ awareness of their surroundings.

Refik Anadol

Machine Hallucination
Refik Anadol’s most recent synesthetic reality experiments deeply engage with these centuries-old questions and attempt at revealing new connections between visual narrative, archival instinct and collective consciousness. The project focuses on latent cinematic experiences derived from representations of urban memories as they are re-imagined by machine intelligence. For Artechouse’s New York location, Anadol presents a data universe of New York City in 1025 latent dimensions that he creates by deploying machine learning algorithms on over 100 million photographic memories of New York City found publicly in social networks. Machine Hallucination thus generates a novel form of synesthetic storytelling through its multilayered manipulation of a vast visual archive beyond the conventional limits of the camera and the existing cinematographic techniques. The resulting artwork is a 30-minute experimental cinema, presented in 16K resolution, that visualizes the story of New York through the city’s collective memories that constitute its deeply-hidden consciousness.


Heavy Industries
I discuss how the poem controls the reader’s experience and how this control affects its possible interpretations. The control is mostly executed by limiting the reader’s freedom over reading. Reading time, direction and duration are determined by the poem. It is only possible to start the poem, but not rewind, stop or fast-forward it. Furthermore, the manipulation of speed affects reading in many ways. In the fast extreme the effect is illegibility, but more subtly used speed creates varieties of emphasis and de-emphasis. The effect of emphasis of this kind, I argue, creates different layers of readings and invites re-reading. These different readings require different cognitive modes, which mirror our contemporary reading habits. Not being in control of the reading process also leads to a scattered sense of unity, one of postmodernism’s essential traits. While reading the poem I also question why I read as I do, and by doing so I hope to present more general traits of how to approach digital literature.

Michael Najjar

laokoon, from the work series “bionic angel”

„Bionischer Engel“ Die Arbeitsreihe „Bionischer Engel“ geht von der zukünftigen Transformation und technologischen Kontrolle der menschlichen Evolution aus. Die rasante Entwicklung auf dem Gebiet der sogenannten „g-r-i-n-Technologien“ (Genetik, Robotik, Information und Nanotechnologie) verändert unseren Körper, Geist, Erinnerungen und Identitäten, wirkt sich aber auch auf unsere Nachkommen aus. Diese Technologien laufen alle zusammen, um die menschliche Leistung zu verbessern. Durch die pränatale genetische Bestimmung können Kinder nach Plan gebaut werden. Klonkörper werden zu Aufbewahrungsorten für Ersatzorgane, während durch Manipulation der Atomstruktur neue Körper entstehen, die die alten in Bezug auf Robustheit, Elastizität und Haltbarkeit weit übertreffen. Die neuen Karosserien sind an die Bedürfnisse der Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenautobahn angepasst. Diese Entwicklungen, die auf genetischen Algorithmen und neuronalen Netzwerken basieren, ermöglichen es nun, die biologische Evolution zu steuern. Sie eröffnen dem Menschen den Weg zu einer neuen und überlegenen Existenzform.