
Ricardo Barreto and Paula Perissinotto


This net art by Ricardo Barreto and Paula Perissinotto offers us a split, fragmented, impossible dance, in a divided, multiplied space. Cyberdance consists of the combination and recombination of elements that represent the different parts of the human body. A mannequin was photographed as a model in different positions. These images were later converted to the animated form, allowing users to combine them in different ways, as well as link them to different dance terms, to the names of postures and positions of classical ballet. On a page divided into frames containing fragments of the mannequin, we can see his head, legs, torso and arms rotating, while allowing us to subdivide each frame by clicking on it, each frame composing an aberrant doll whose fragments dance, silently, independent one from the other. There is no music, no rhythm, no space. It is a digital dance, a dance in which time and space have become a platform.


On stage, the ample white strapless dress of a still model serves as a screen for all kinds of projections that echo those of a big screen in the background. “Mixing 3D video with certified fairy tale stories and tailoring tradition” is the idea of the atypical Mountain Ash. Intel technology brings to life on the fabric all kinds of patterns simulating embroidery or painting on silk: stripes of neon lights, butterflies flapping their wings, “mapping” of crystal tassels or the northern lights …



루드 반 엠펠
Рууд ван Эмпель

La méthode de travail de Van Empel est complexe. Il photographie 4 ou 5 modèles professionnels dans son atelier, et réalise de nombreuses séries de photos détaillées de feuilles, fleurs, plantes et animaux. Après avoir rassemblé des centaines d’images dans une base de données, il sélectionne les images avec lesquelles il peut obtenir les meilleurs résultats. Les modèles sont mélangés dans le programme Photoshop, les vêtements sont photographiés séparément sur un mannequin de tailleur. De cette manière, il crée de nouvelles images principalement d’enfants, en noir ou blanc,dans un paradisque environment.

Geumhyung Jeong

Homemade RC Toy
Her new installation centers on five human-scale, remote-control sculptures that she cobbled together from metal brackets, batteries, wires, dental study props, and disassembled mannequins. Surrounding them are stepped plinths whose bright colors echo the robot sculptures’ wiring. The plinths display fetishistic agglomerations of spare parts: wheels, cables, gutted medical practice torsos, home repair parts. In their default state, the sculptures are frozen, comatose, even if all that wiring and machinery certainly suggests movement. The installation is the setting for a series of live interactions between the artist and her uncanny others.

Matic Veler

Matic Veler is ispired by researching his aesthetic development since upbringing up until now. One of the biggest inspiration, architecture of 17th and 18th century architecture, especially details and ornaments together with impression of magical environments combined with brutalism architecture he was surrounded in when he was child, help him to translate and reflect when creating garments and installations to impress viewers and customers. ​He uses Baroque architecture details and ornaments as his inspiration. Always starting with collecting different photos of details and studying different architects. 
Matic manipulates the ornaments into collages on which he draw sketches and then making toiles on mannequins.

Tokujin Yoshioka

transparent mannequins

Considered ‘grid bodies’, or the ‘transparent body installation’ yoshioka has specially conceived these figures to highlight issey miyake’s garments. in room A, one finds the 1970s collections of miyake dressing figures composed out of 365 laser cut cardboard parts, arranged as a grid structure to create a futuristic human body. they are adorned by pieces that investigate miyake’s constant innovation in fabric-making, and his deep respect for tradition.


A Perfect Body
Guda Koster modifica la figura humana ocultando su identidad con la ayuda de piezas textiles que ella misma diseña y confecciona. No tenemos claro si sus personajes están vivos o no. Los modelos podrían ser maniquís y los maniquís personas. Ella los llama esculturas y los incluye en instalaciones, performances y acciones callejeras o los documenta fotográficamente. De sus imágenes se intuye que la prenda no es el fin, ni tampoco el hombre-maniquí. La rareza que proyectan sus obras las convierte en un vehículo para hablar de un tercer elemento: una historia, un acontecimiento, real o inventado, impuesto por la autora o gestado en la mente de un espectador extrañado.

Alain Séchas

Le Mannequin
Alain Séchas est intéressé par des questions de forme, d’équilibre et de couleur. Il pousse le public à la confrontation, à s’interroger, tout en nous proposant une réflexion humoristique sur la vie quotidienne. On pourrait le qualifier d’artiste plasticien puisqu’il utilise de nombreux outils et fait diverses installations intégrant plusieurs disciplines.


Korean artist Kyuin Shim creates work that your pupils will interpret as a straight up science fiction novel. One body of work in particular, “Black Black,” is a series of gruesome depictions of black mannequin bodies gone haywire. As a digital artist and sculptor, he works compiling 3D renderings of real images. These sculptures, with the glossy stature of high fashion, the black mannequins are enrobed in large blisters. In varying states of vulnerability, his sculptures are suffering implosion and meltdown; a person who has ripped his head off gives himself fellatio, another is on his hands and knees, expelling their entire insides.

Kyuin Shim

Black Black
“Black Black,” is a series of gruesome depictions of black mannequin bodies gone haywire. As a digital artist and sculptor, he works compiling 3D renderings of real images. These sculptures, with the glossy stature of high fashion, the black mannequins are enrobed in large blisters. In varying states of vulnerability, his sculptures are suffering implosion and meltdown; a person who has ripped his head off gives himself fellatio, another is on his hands and knees, expelling their entire insides.