
Terrence Zhou

Originally from Wuhan, China, Terrence Zhou is a promising fashion designer based in New York City. Having a background in design and mathematics, Terrence leans on his multifaceted understanding of Chinese tradition, mathematics, Greek mythology and artistry to create collections seemingly out of this world.
Terrence Zhou 来自中国武汉,是纽约市一位很有前途的时装设计师。拥有设计和数学背景的 Terrence 凭借对中国传统、数学、希腊神话和艺术的多方面理解,创作出看似与世隔绝的系列。


Kim ist bekannt für seine mechanischen Skulpturen, die wissenschaftliche und mathematische Theorien einbeziehen, und auch als Komponist elektroakustischer Musik. Für diese Triennale präsentiert Kim Chroma III, das die Knotentheorie in der Mathematik anwendet, um Hunderte von Polymerzellen […]
Kim is known for his mechanical sculptures that incorporate scientific and mathematical theories and also as a composer of electroacoustic music. For this Triennale, Kim presents Chroma III, which applies knot theory in mathematics to structure hundreds of polymer cells […]

Norimichi Hirakawa


Any pixel in a digital movie file can be described as a point in 6-dimensional Euclidean space [x,y,R,G,B,t]. the rotations in 6-dimensioal space converts curve in form to gradation in colour, colour to motion in time axis, motion to curve and curve to colour. relations beween all of pixels are mathematically conserved through the conversion.
this visual object is “mathematically” digital colour movie data itself as sequence of numbers. it’s a nature of data.


Discrete Figures
‘Discrete Figures’ unites the performing arts and mathematics in a dramatic exploration of the relationship between the human body and computer generated movement (simulated bodies) born from mathematical analysis. As an additional layer of complexity, the performance piece utilizes drones, A.I., and machine learning in the quest for a new palette of movement to foster undiscovered modes of expressive dance that transcend the limits of conventional human subjectivity and emotional expression.


versuch unter kreisen

This is the artistic result of a residency spent at CERN, where particles circulate on rings at great speed. The four lamps that are suspended from the ceiling also describe circles, but at varying speeds. Starting from there, every imaginable choreography is possible as well as every interpretation. The lamps describe figures that imperceptible transitions trigger one to the other. According to the artist, it’s only a question of mathematics here, though one asks oneself which one of the four incandescent lamps directs the others. And just as quick as they come into alignment as though linked by invisible ties, there is one that seems to accelerate while another can’t manage to keep up with the group. You can watch them for hours on end, hypnotised by the aesthetic beauty of physical laws. The artist, Julius von Bismarck, when receiving his prize admitted to having learned a lot at the CERN. It is likely that the scientists were also marked by his presence.

Godfried Toussaint

The Geometry of Musical Rhythm: What Makes a “Good” Rhythm Good? ” is a book on the mathematics of rhythms and drum beats. It was written by Godfried Toussaint, in order to study rhythms mathematically, Toussaint abstracts away many of their features that are important musically, involving the sounds or strengths of the individual beats, the phasing of the beats, hierarchically-structured rhythms, or the possibility of music that changes from one rhythm to another. The information that remains describes the beats of each bar (an evenly-spaced cyclic sequence of times) as being either on-beats (times at which a beat is emphasized in the musical performance) or off-beats (times at which it is skipped or performed only weakly). This can be represented combinatorially as a necklace, an equivalence class of binary sequences under rotations, with true binary values representing on-beats and false representing off-beats.

imagen: Ethan-Hein-blog

brian wissman

strange attractors
Dr. Brian Wissman is an Associate Professor of Mathematics at the University of Hawai’i. His work includes creating mathematical visualizations using the Chaoscope program; a 3D rendering software used to create a comprehensible image to explain strange attractors with mathematical sciences. The results are both scientifically informed, and aesthetically beautiful.

benjamin bergery and jim campbell

Jacob’dream: a luminous path
San Francisco-based electronic-media artist Jim Campbell creates work that combines film, light emitting diodes (LEDs) and sculptural elements. His choice of materials is often complex, and he uses them to create imagery that is allusive and open-ended. His exploration of the distinction between the analog world and its digital representation metaphorically parallels the difference between poetic understanding versus the mathematics of data.


רמונד קנה
Раймонд Кено
Cent mille Milliards de poèmes
Since its arrival (the Oulipo), the rules of the group were set out as follows: “We define potential literature as the search for new forms and structures that can be used by writers in the way they will most like.” “Potential” refers to something that exists in power in literature, that is, that is found within language and that has not necessarily been explored. The favorite tool for study and production is the contrainte, an arbitrary formal restriction that can create new procedures, new forms and literary structures that can generate poems, novels, texts. Over the years, dozens of different contraintes have been explored, from those somehow related to the riddle, such as the palindrome, the acrostic, the lipogram, of which the playful aspect has certainly not been underestimated, with forms more directly related to the codes of exact sciences, such as combinatorial calculus, set theory or graph theory. Among the numerous definitions of the Oulipo provided by the members themselves, one is very elegant and significant: “An Oulipiano is a mouse that builds the labyrinth from which it is proposed to come out later”. Queneau often explained that some of his works might seem simple pastimes, simple jeux d’esprit (mind games), but he remembered that topology or number theory also arose, at least in part, from what was once called “funny mathematics“.


Field and Loops

Loops and Fields, is a collection of drawings that resonate sympathetically to the electromagnetic fields within the gallery. These graphite drawings function as graphic antennas and explore the qualities and inherent nature of a combination of hand-drawn and mathematically generated forms. Delving into algorithmic structures, fractals and the chaotic nature of the hand drawn line, these drawings are an exploration of conductive materials and the possibilities for drawing electronic components. When connected to a sound system they make audible their interior activity and reveal the energy that exists in the immediate environment.Relying on the basic principles of the directional loop antenna, the drawings in Loops and Fields, like any receiving antenna, convert an electromagnetic wave into a voltage; the loop antenna is particularly sensitive to magnetic fields and outputs a voltage proportional to that field. Monitoring this activity allows us to experience the local fields and generates a site-specific and dynamic aural landscape.The different shapes and line qualities that make up the algorithmically generated and stencilled drawings come from thinking about the possibilities of extending a line. Fractal mathematics and the research into fractal antennas has focused on reducing the overall size and space an antenna needs to occupy. My interest is in the frequency range at the lower regions of the spectrum, where the wavelength is large; so my interpretation of recent antenna design research has led me to explore the possibilities for drawing antennas that can receive large wavelengths, on something the size of a standard piece of fine art paper.


My Life as an Avatar 06.08
File Festival – Machinima

Annie Ok is an interdisciplinary artist. Her work is an expression of entropic congruity and organic abstract deconstruction, inspired by nature, science, mathematics, evolution, dysfunction, ambivalence and ambiguity.