

Penser et sentir
Sous le thème du Zen, cette œuvre représente une partie de la philosophie du Zen avec des données tridimensionnelles créées avec la technologie de photogrammétrie composée du paysage le plus minimaliste des «points» et du paysage sonore des «ondulations», avec la coopération de Toryo Ito, vice-prêtre de Ryosokuin, temple Kennin-ji Tacchu, Kyoto. L’image générée reflétant les informations environnementales de l’espace d’exposition crée «une interaction entre l’environnement et l’image», tout comme les arbres et les feuilles se balançant dans le silence du temple zen.



Under the theme of Zen, this artwork represents a part of the philosophy of Zen with three-dimensional data created with photogrammetry technology composed of the most minimalistic landscape of “dots” and the soundscape of “undulations,” with the cooperation of Toryo Ito, vice priest of Ryosokuin, Kennin-ji Tacchu temple, Kyoto. The generated image reflecting the environmental information of the exhibition space creates “interaction between the environment and the image,” just like the trees and leaves swinging in the silence in the garden of a Zen temple.


Credit Concept / Technical Direction: Shuhei Matsuyama Point Cloud System Design:Takamitsu Masumi Sound Design: Intercity-Express (Tetsuji Ohno) Photogrammetry Shooting: Naoya Takebe Photogrammetry Engineering: Katsuya Sakuma

QUBIT AI: Gabi Szita (aka Sieve)


FILE 2024 | Aesthetic Synthetics
International Electronic Language Festival
Gabi Szita (aka Sieve) – Schizophrenia – Hungary and Iceland

This work delves into the artist’s deep interest in mental illness, especially schizophrenia, through images and sound.


Gabi Szita, aka Sieve, began generating images with Midjourney in December 2022. She has generated over 400,000 images to date using her private bot on Discord, specializing in wall-sized images available on demand. She can create complete exhibitions with her vast collection. In 2023, she started creating videos from some of her images, with Schizophrenia being one of her favorite videos.


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Truth be told, the best thing about Melancholia is its title. In an era where pop therapy abounds, true melancholy and its affinity to beauty needs to be rehabilitated—and of course differentiated from the more banal categories of “mental illness” and “depression.” In a pivotal phase of German Romanticism exemplified by Novalis’ poetry, the quintessentially melancholy category of “longing” is linked with a quest for the “unattainable.” Yet there’s also a tangibly utopian element to Novalis’ melancholy, personified by his dictum, “All representation rests on making present that which is not present.” Or as Max Blechman puts it in his essay “The Revolutionary Dream of Early German Romanticism, the Romantics pantheistic faith points to how art and religion are fundamentally one and the same activity. For is not art the desire to see the real in the ideal, to enliven the ideal behind the real, to transform unconscious idealism into conscious idealism—and is this not done through faith in the ideal?”