
Albert Omoss


“Mostly the fact that I AM a human body. We can live our lives buried in complex abstraction, or in virtual reality, but you can’t separate your consciousness from the fragility of your physical form. Many of my own fears and anxieties revolve around that realization. I would probably say my pieces involving the human body are a kind of self prescribed therapy to deal with my neurosis”.Albert Omoss


oh, dear
Her pictures describe oniric situations, enchanted, sometimes spooky, but always with a touch of glam. In applaying different photo techniques as mirrored images, photo overlapping, refined photo processing, Elle Moss depicts lonely worlds, often autobiographical, almost exclusively feminine, in which all the characters tell feelings about suspension and alienation, entering into undefined space-time dimensions.


ريتشارد موس/


ريتشارد موس/
Ричард Мосс
The Enclave


ريتشارد موس/

Liam Lee

Untitled 05
“I look at forms in nature for inspiration – from microscopic organisms like bacteria and viruses, to moss covered stones, branches of trees, the human body, seedpods, landscapes, star charts, etc., then try to bring all of these disparate elements together in the work”


Depuis le début de la pandémie, la pollution de l’air a diminué dans de nombreuses régions du monde. Nous assistons à un moment sans précédent en termes de réduction des émissions industrielles et de l’empreinte carbone. Moss est une sculpture sonore cinétique alimentée par des données sur la qualité de l’air générées par l’indice mondial de la qualité de l’air. La sculpture vivante est conçue pour analyser l’air de nos villes et réinterpréter les données avec des modes de respiration et des paysages sonores en évolution. De Berlin à Bombay, Moscou et Pékin. Le public peut expérimenter en temps réel la qualité de l’air du monde transformée en une installation sonore cinétique. Le projet contribue à la recherche mondiale et incite les citoyens à participer au débat sur la qualité de l’air et la démocratie sur terre. Moss vise à créer un engagement civil en apprenant de la sagesse de la nature et du service de la technologie.


Moss Garden of Resonating Microcosms
TeamLab essaie de mettre à jour le concept de couleur. Ovoid change avec 61 couleurs, un nouveau concept de couleur nommé “couleur de lumière solidifiée”. On dit que les bryophytes sont les premières créatures terrestres à apparaître dans un monde de roches et de sable, où il n’y a pas encore de créatures sur terre. Avec l’émergence des mousses et des ptérophytes et la formation des forêts, divers animaux sont devenus capables de vivre sur terre. Les organismes meurent lorsque leur corps manque d’eau car l’eau à l’intérieur des cellules est essentielle. D’autre part, les plantes de mousse ont une résistance à la déshydratation en raison de la propriété particulière du changement d’eau, dans laquelle la teneur en eau dans les cellules fluctue en raison des changements d’humidité ambiante, ne meurent pas longtemps à l’état sec, et si l’eau est étant donné, ils peuvent exercer les activités de la vie. Étant donné que la mousse modifie l’eau, sa couleur et sa forme changent considérablement selon que l’air est sec ou humide, par exemple lorsqu’il pleut ou qu’il s’agit de brume. Les tardigrades qui vivent entre les mousses deviennent également dormants, un état de dormance non métabolique, et arrêtent leur activité lorsque l’environnement devient sec, mais lorsque de l’eau est donnée, ils récupèrent et commencent leur activité.


Moss Garden of Resonating Microcosms

Marco Barotti

Desde el inicio de la pandemia, la contaminación del aire ha disminuido en muchas partes del mundo. Asistimos a un momento sin precedentes en cuanto a reducción de emisiones industriales y huella de carbono. Moss es una escultura de sonido cinética impulsada por datos de calidad del aire generados por el Índice Mundial de Calidad del Aire. La escultura viviente está diseñada para analizar el aire de nuestras ciudades y reinterpretar los datos con patrones de respiración y paisajes sonoros en evolución. De Berlín a Bombay, Moscú y Pekín. El público puede experimentar en tiempo real la calidad del aire mundial transformada en una instalación cinética de sonido. El proyecto contribuye a la investigación global e involucra a los ciudadanos a participar en la discusión sobre la calidad del aire y la democracia de la tierra. Moss tiene como objetivo crear compromisos civiles aprendiendo de la sabiduría de la naturaleza y el servicio de la tecnología.

Edoardo Tresoldi

Opera è l’installazione permanente di arte pubblica sul lungomare di Reggio Calabria, promossa e commissionata dal Comune e dalla Città Metropolitana. Opera nasce per celebrare la relazione contemplativa tra il luogo e l’essere umano attraverso il linguaggio architettonico classico e la trasparenza della Materia Assente, espressa tramite la rete metallica. L’architettura aperta offre un nuovo monumento attraversabile e completamente fruibile a cittadini e visitatori. L’installazione è un monumento alla contemplazione attraverso cui il luogo definisce ulteriormente se stesso. Tresoldi gioca con la grammatica dell’architettura classica e la trasparenza per ricercare nuove poetiche visive in dialogo con il paesaggio circostante e i visitatori. Le colonne, archetipi fondanti del retaggio culturale occidentale, compongono una cornice aulica che conferisce al parco un’ulteriore chiave di lettura.

Heather Dewey-Hagborg & Phillip Andrew Lewis

Spirit Molecule
Spirit Molecule II, engages local community members as DNA donors to be memorialized in a site-specific commission for the Broad Museum at Michigan State University, created in collaboration with University scientist Dr. Bjoern Hamberger. The work consists of a large mound of moss growing in the gallery, with four embedded cylinders containing genetic memorial plants. In this iteration we embed both human DNA and a gene for the scent of patchouli into lab-strain moss Physcomitrella patens.


אזאמה מקוטו
아즈마 마코토
Адзума Макото
Water and Bonsai

In his continued forays into experimental botany that blur the lines between art and science, artist Makoto Azuma (previously) has reimagined the bonsai tree, one of the oldest Japanese artforms. This latest work titled Water and Bonsai, began with a dead branch from a juniper tree which was carefully attached to java moss meant to simulate the form of leaves. The entire piece was then submerged into a modified hydroponic environment similar to some of his earlier aquatic plantscapes replete with LEDs, a filtration system, and C02 emissions that encourage photosynthesis.


“With macro photography I escape to another little world. I love exploring the tiny details in nature that often get over looked. I love finding beautiful colours and abstract compositions within nature and can even get passionate about photographing moss or a blade of grass.”


朱塞佩 利卡里
The sky in a room

“Nature has always been a big passion and the relation of nature and man-made environments is something I often try to confront in my work. The Sky in a Room was first inspired by the forests’ fires that in 2007 destroyed a big part of the south of Europe. They were largely man-made fires, intending to generate new land available for building speculation. A sick tree was cut down by the municipality of Rotterdam, cut in smaller pieces, archived and re-built inside the exhibition space, against the architectural surfaces of the gallery. The trunk of the tree was removed in order to give the public a different physical relation to the tree itself and to the white sterilized space of the gallery. The dead tree presents its branches covered with a layer of moss and molds creating a suspended landscape.”


اولافور الياسون
אולאפור אליאסון
Visual mediation

Eliasson constructions, at once eccentric and highly geometric, use multicolored washes, focused projections of light, mirrors, and elements such as water, stone, and moss to shift the viewer’s perception of place and self. By transforming the gallery into a hybrid space of nature and culture, Eliasson prompts an intensive engagement with the world and offers a fresh consideration of everyday life.


由杰奎琳·吉米·戈登(Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon)在旧金山Yerba Buena艺术中心(YBCA)的新展览系列“控制:文化中的技术,无时无刻不在发生”中建造,是一种塑造声音,运动和感知的装置。该装置雄心勃勃,具有建筑雄心,需要探索一个房间,房间内布满11.1.4环绕立体声系统和定制的减震声板,以突出艺术家所描述的“声音之间移动,声音内部移动之间的交换”的含义。雕塑,与其他人一起移动”,并在此过程中产生“亲密感”。借用消音室和声学测试实验室中使用的隔音板的材料和几何形状,戈登的身临其境的声音环境部署了临床声音设计,以进行探索和互动。
位于“戈登(Gordon)”空间中央的位置是“爱的座位(Love Seat)”,这是一对相邻的围墙,游客可以坐在那里聆听。聆听者共享一个共同的视线,但在身体上是分开的,他们可以在相对(相对)的声音隔离中享受片刻。在展览随附的文章中,“控制:文化中的技术”策展人策奇·莫斯(Ceci Moss)简洁地将戈登的方法描述为“调音的情绪”,以“进入并指挥”进入该空间的人。
不出所料,戈登竭尽全力地雕刻了《永远发生的一切》中的音响效果,在展览中她看到她与Meyer Sound Laboratories的专家紧密合作。她在下面的视频中简要地介绍了她的过程,并且值得深入研究创建者在该项目上的帖子,因为它提供了一些有价值的“细节”,以及合作者Jon Leidecker(又名Wobbly)和Zackery Belanger的评论。

Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon

It Only Happens All of the Time

Constructed by Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon within San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) new exhibition series Control: Technology in Culture, It Only Happens All of the Time is an installation that shapes sound, movement, and perception. Architectural in ambition, the installation tasks visitors with exploring a room lined with a droning 11.1.4 surround sound system and custom sound-dampening acoustic panels in order to foreground what the artist describes as the “the exchange between moving within the sound, moving within the sculpture, moving with someone else” and yielding an “intimacy” in the process. Borrowing the materials and geometries of the acoustic panels used in anechoic chambers and acoustic testing labs, Gordon’s immersive sonic environment deploys clinical sound design to engender exploration and interaction.Positioned in the centre of Gordon’s space is “Love Seat”, a pair of adjoined enclosures where visitors can sit and listen. While sharing a common sightline—but physically separated—listeners can enjoy a moment together, each within (relative) acoustic isolation. In the essay accompanying the exhibition, Control: Technology in Culture curator Ceci Moss succinctly describes Gordon’s approach as “sound modulating mood” to “both commune and command” those entering the space.As would be expected, Gordon went to great lengths to sculpt the acoustics within It Only Happens All of the Time and the exhibition saw her working closely with specialists at Meyer Sound Laboratories. She touches on her process briefly in the video below and the Creator’s Project post on the project is worth delving into, as it provides some worthwhile ‘making of’ details as well as comments from collaborators Jon Leidecker (aka Wobbly) and Zackery Belanger.


ألين جونز
앨런 존스
Аллен Джонс
אלן ג’ונס
kate moss in bronze glitter


مارك كوين
마크 퀸
מארק קווין
Марка Куинна
Sphinx (Kate Moss)


sound looking
Kim Kichul ha lavorato continuamente con il suono, contro forme d’arte visive più tradizionali. Per Kim, il suono stesso è il soggetto piuttosto che un elemento aggiunto che compone una parte dell’intera scultura, ed è un continuum già inerente a un significato.
Kim ha iniziato a usare il suono nel suo lavoro attraverso un’esperienza che ha avuto durante l’ascolto della radio. Ha sperimentato qualità del suono spazio-temporale e si è sentito come se stesse guardando il suono fisico reale proveniente da una radio. Il suo lavoro 11-Faced Avalokitesvara presentato nella sua prima mostra personale nel 1993 partiva dalla parola Avalokitesvara, che spiega il sentire il soggetto come se volesse vederlo. Kim fu profondamente commosso da un verso di Bomunpum, il venticinquesimo capitolo del Sutra del Loto, che affermava che se Sattva, nella loro sofferenza, avesse cantato l’Avalokitesvara con una semplice concentrazione, avrebbero potuto raggiungere il Nirvana. Posizionando 10 statue di Avalokitesvara su radio, ciascuna sintonizzata su canali diversi, ha presentato un metodo compositivo per osservare il suono attraverso la sinestesia.
È chiaro che il suono stesso è il principale argomento di interesse di Kim, specialmente attraverso il suo precedente lavoro Sound Looking (1999), che materializza visivamente le proprietà del suono dipendenti dai sensi uditivi. In questo lavoro, le particelle in un tubo trasparente si muovono secondo le onde del suono generato e tutte le cose visibili vengono mobilitate per rivelare il suono invisibile.