
Antoine Catala

Catala’s work investigate emotions and empathy in our technological information-driven society. His computer generated Emobot appears at once familiar and strange as it utters simple statement about its feelings. The visually mesmerizing figure might serve as an avatar onto which we relate to the expression of strong feelings when they are delivered digitally-an increasing prevalent cultural phenomena. Listening to a not-quite human presence express its vulnerability may have less impact in us than hearing a real person communicate similar emotions. Nevertheless, the deliberate and repetitive manner in which Emobot articulates powerful sentiments affords us ample opportunity to reflect on the existential quality of their meaning.

Laurent Grasso

OttO (solo exhibition)
OttO (the film)
Structured around a set of brand-new works and around the eponymous film, the exhibition interconnects sacred spaces, animistic beliefs and scientific theories. Each of these works concerns imperceptible and yet active phenomena that have in common the real or supposed effects of electromagnetic waves, vibrations and frequencies. Perrotin Paris



Structurée autour d’un ensemble d’œuvres inédites et autour du film éponyme, l’exposition interconnecte espaces sacrés, croyances animistes et théories scientifiques. Chacun de ces travaux concerne des phénomènes imperceptibles et pourtant actifs qui ont en commun les effets réels ou supposés des ondes électromagnétiques, des vibrations et des fréquences. Perrotin Paris

daan roosegaarde


Dubbed “the northern light of the Netherlands” by Studio Roosegaarde, the Waterlicht installation is designed to create the impression of a “virtual flood”.The waving lines of light spread across 1.6 hectares bear a resemblance to the northern lights – the natural phenomenon created when charged particles enter the Earth’s atmosphere – when viewed from underneath.

Kurt Hentschlager

SOL is a minimalistic environment, leading visitors into the reaches of their perception. The installation builds on loss of control, shifts in awareness and a feeling of dislocation and timelessness. SOL is the third work in an ongoing series of phenomenological environments, after the live performance FEED, 2005 and the installation ZEE, 2008. The all encompassing darkness of SOL is lifted, in intervals and for parts of seconds only, by animated bursts of intensely bright light. Falling back into darkness, visitors experience abundant retinal after-images, that gradually drift away until eventually the next eruption of light is triggered. In the surround sound-scape of SOL, electronic drones mix with swarming field recordings, amidst a sea of infra-bass.


Arr. pour une scène
La force sonore de la scène de meurtre la plus célèbre du cinéma est étudiée. Deux artistes foley recréent la séquence de douche d’Hitchcock, déconstruisant les associations de signifiants auditifs et le pouvoir synesthésique du son. Jonna Kina contextualise ce phénomène étrange – la qualité trans-sensorielle du son – à la fois dans l’œuvre de Kina, ainsi que dans d’autres œuvres historiques et contemporaines à l’intérieur et à l’extérieur du domaine de l’art. Dans Arr. for a Scene (2017), Kina explore les structures et les formes du son cinématographique – en transformant une image emblématique – la scène de douche horrible dans Psycho d’Alfred Hitchcock (1960) – en fréquences sonores d’objets domestiques originaux et apparemment innocents.

Jonna Kina

Arr. for a Scene

“The sonic force of cinema’s most famous murder scene is investigated.Two foley artists recreate Hitchcock’s shower sequence, deconstructing the associations of aural signifiers, and the synesthetic power of sound. Jonna Kina contextualize this uncanny phenomenon — the “trans-sensory” quality of sound – within both Kina’s oeuvre, as well as other historical and contemporary works inside and outside the realm of art. In Arr. for a Scene (2017), Kina explores the structures and forms of cinematic sound – transforming an iconic image — the horrific shower scene in Alfred Hitchcock’s Psycho (1960) – into the sonic frequencies of quirky, seemingly innocent, domestic objects.” Melissa Ragona


Joris Strijbos



IsoScope is a kinetic audiovisual outdoor installation, a sensorial experience in which the audience wanders through rotating lights and an ever-changing sonic cloud. This new work by Dutch artist Joris Strijbos consists of multiple robotic wind objects interacting with each other and with their surroundings. Strijbos aimed at creating a human-constructed phenomenon, an abstract entity which, like most natural phenomena, can only be experienced in certain weather conditions. IsoScope can be seen as a proposition for a new kind of machinic and artificial lifeform. IsoScope was commissioned by Sonic Acts for the second Dark Ecology Journey (2015) and realised in collaboration with Jeroen Molenaar, Daan Johan and Erfan Abdi.

Kouichi Okamoto

Re Rain
“Re-rain” is a sound installation expressing non-visible elements such as gravity, magnetic force, and sound as physical elements. This installation is created with the sound of rain sampled in Japan early spring of 2016.The sound of raindrops hitting an umbrella are recorded, and is then played back from a speaker. The umbrella is set on top of a speaker, and the vibration of the speaker is transmitted through the umbrella to make a sound. For example, an umbrella cannot vibrate if the magnetic force of the speaker is small or if the rain hitting the umbrella is either too high or too low in pitch extent. For this reason, this is a device picking out a state in which the magnetic force of the speaker, weight of the umbrella, and pitch extent of sound are all in a balanced state. Natural phenomena such as rain travels through an object and is emitted as sound to the air..

Chris Salter

n-Polytope: Behaviors in Light and Sound after Iannis Xenakis
N_Polytope: Behaviors in Light and Sound After Iannis Xenakis is a spectacular light and sound performance-installation combining cutting edge lighting, lasers, sound, sensing and machine learning software inspired by composer Iannis Xenakiss radical 1960s- 1970s works named Polytopes (from the Greek ‘poly’, many and ‘topos’, space). As large scale, immersive architectural environments that made the indeterminate and chaotic patterns and behaviour of natural phenomena experiential through the temporal dynamics of light and the spatial dynamics of sound, the Polytopes still to this day are relatively unknown but were far ahead of their time. N_Polytope is based on the attempt to both re-imagine Xenakis’ work with probabilistic/stochastic systems with new techniques as well as to explore how these techniques can exemplify our own historical moment of extreme instability.

James Turrell

جيمس توريل
ג’יימס טורל
설치작품 제임스 터렐
Gard Blue
James Turrell’s pivotal 1968 work Gard Blue represents a transformative period in his career, marking the crucial juncture when Turrell shifted the viewer’s attention to perception and the phenomenon of light rather than an object. Appearing in a large, box-like room constructed within the Central Court, Gard Blue is a projection of light. The clarity of Gard Blue’s presence is held by a single, arresting color.

karolina halatek

The title of the work HALO refers to the natural optical phenomena seen around the sun or moon, produced by light in the interaction of ice crystals. The first references of the atmospheric phenomenon can be found in a section of the “Official History of the Chin Dynasty” (Chin Shu) from 637, on the “Ten Haloes”, giving technical terms for 26 solar halos. In the exhibition, the place of the celestial body is given to the art viewer, who becomes a central part of the piece.


Thorsten Fleisch creates films that reveal the shapes and patterns of natural forces and phenomena. In this work he reveals what energy in one of its simplest forms looks like in motion. Energie! is a sequence of still images created on light-sensitive photographic paper. The artist exposed dozens of sheets of paper to enormous electrical discharges, each leaving its imprint as a trail of light. Animating these images reveals patterns in their flow of energy, akin to tracing the flow of electricity at each moment of a lightning strike. As the images are photographs created without cameras, they are records of single moments. Accordingly we see dozens of split-second documents animated to reveal the shape and power of energy.


vertical emptiness (organic parabola)
Onishi Yasuaki uses wire, glue line and crystallized urea for this installation. The wire makes organic parabola line from the ceiling. He dripping glue through it, and vertical thin glue line is connecting our ground. Crystallized urea appears on glue line and wire. Empty space are filing some phenomena which is gravity, time, action, heat, crystallization. We can discover new landscape in it.

Alyson Shotz

Алисон Шоц
Fluid State

Alyson Shotz is an American artist based in Brooklyn, New York. She graduated with a BFA from the Rhode Island School of Design in 1987 and an MFA from the University of Washington in 1991. Alyson Shotz investigates issues of perception and space with sculptures made from a range of synthetic materials such as mirror, glass beads, plastic lenses, thread and steel wire.Karen Rosenberg wrote: “Ms. Shotz evokes natural phenomena with accumulations of beads, pins and other common materials…Often they respond to the challenge of visualizing concepts from theoretical physics (string theory, dark matter).”


Snow to część wystawy powstałej w 2010 roku w Mori Art Museum – Sensing Nature. Ów rok mijał pod hasłem: Redefiniując Japonię. Japończycy zawsze mieli ścisłą relację z naturą. Ta wystawa jest swoistą eksploracją wrażliwości oraz zbiorowego przywiązania i przynależności do kultury. Zaprojektowana była z dozą przekory wobec tradycyjnej koncepcji, która głosi, że natura powinna być odczuwana, a nie racjonalizowana. Instalacja Snow nie miała naśladować natury. Jej celem była obserwacja mechanizmów funkcjonowania ludzkich zmysłów podczas procesu doświadczania. Człowiek wiecznie odczuwa potrzebę definiowania pewnych zjawisk. Inaczej ów niepokój wynikający z braku wiedzy przeradza się w uczucie zagrożenia. Natura, ostateczne piękno tego świata, niepowtarzalne zjawisko braku stałości funkcjonuje według porządku, którego nie da się zrozumieć poprzez teorię.