

조용한 앙상블
Quintetto is an installation based on the study of casual movement of objects or living creatures used as input for the production of sounds. The basic concept is to reveal what we call “invisible concerts” of everyday life. The vertical movements of the 5 fishes in the aquarius is captured by a videocamera, that translates (through a computer software) their movements in digital sound signals. We’ll have 5 different musical instruments creating a totally unexpected live concert.


Casca de cebola
Baseando-se principalmente na experiência da realidade e nas representações da percepção do espaço, Olivier Ratsi considera a realidade objetiva, o tempo, o espaço e a matéria como noções intangíveis de informação. Seu trabalho consiste em desenhar processos de descontinuidade com essas noções para poder compartilhar com o espectador outro ponto de vista. Através deste processo, Ratsi cria uma ruptura nesta realidade objetiva, alterando nossa percepção da realidade. No entanto, esta ruptura significativa e inquietante é moderada o suficiente para não privar o espectador da sua capacidade subjetiva de reconstrução / reconstituição da realidade, através da sua experiência e da sua própria cultura. o papel de desencadear emoções, que não se destinam apenas a mostrar o que as coisas podem ser de outra forma, mas sim a questionar as suas referências.

Daniel Rozin

Troll Mirror
The mechanical mirrors are made of various materials but share the same behavior and interaction; any person standing in front of one of these pieces is instantly reflected on its surface. The mechanical mirrors all have video cameras, motors and computers on board and produce a soothing sound as the viewer interacts with them. Troll Mirror was commisioned by Traget and is made of pairs of pink and blue troll dolls. Every troll doll pair can rotate so that the pink or blue troll face the front. The result is a colorfull reflection of the viewer’s outline and playfull colorfull transitions


كورنيليا باركر
קורנליה פרקר
코넬리아 파커
Корнелии Паркер
two rooms

For some years Cornelia Parker’s work has been concerned with formalising things beyond our control, containing the volatile and making it into something that is quiet and contemplative like the ‘eye of the storm’. She is fascinated with processes in the world that mimic cartoon ‘deaths’ – steamrollering, shooting full of holes, falling from cliffs and explosions. Through a combination of visual and verbal allusions her work triggers cultural metaphors and personal associations, which allow the viewer to witness the transformation of the most ordinary objects into something compelling and extraordinary.

Seiran Tsuno

Appearing like ghostly cages which seem to float above the body, Seiran Tsuno’s designs are delicately abstract, distorting and disrupting the human-form. Emphasising the shoulders, chest, and thighs, there is a subtlety to her pieces: they don’t scream and shout but instead sit quietly in their uniqueness […] Creating a base is the first step, which Tsuno then draws on using the 3D pens. As it becomes airborne, the strands of melted plastic ink solidify, before Tsuno removes the base. The result is a piece that has the delicacy of fine jewellery, only in garment form.


Space observer
This huge sculpture is placed in California’s Mineta San Jose airport, where high-tech art welcomes the passengers. At the top of the escalator at the new Terminal B you will find Schuelke’s absurd machine. This giant three-legged sculpture explores the interactivity between humans and modern technology. It will quietly rotate with the aid of two propeller-tripped arms. And its ‘eye’ reveals images picked up from embedded cameras.


Riverbank House
Located on a narrow strip of land, sandwiched between a quiet riverbank and a residential neighborhood, the home’s unique form was inspired by the juxtaposed views offered by the surrounding environment. Standing on the riverbank you had views of the calm stream traveling to an unknown destination, unfazed by the birds, joggers and other small life form taking advantage of its natural serenity. However, a few steps down the bank, away from the river, revealed a startlingly contrasting view; homes and more homes, so grounded and monumental.


Ребекка Стивенсон
ريبيكا ستيفنسون
sweet shell

Le sculture figurative di Rebecca Stevenson sono allo stesso tempo inquietanti e belle. Usando principalmente poliresina e cera, il suo concetto di solito inizia con una figura umana o animale proiettata in un tenue colore monocromatico che poi sembra sbocciare o decadere con varietà di composti organici multicolori. Questi fiori consumano quasi le figure, dando vita a sculture provocatorie e surreali. Il suo lavoro incarna il processo di creazione e distruzione, rivelando la bellezza che emerge da questo ciclo organico. Alcuni mi ricordano di camminare per i pascoli della fattoria quando ero più giovane e di scoprire vari teschi di animali attraverso i quali l’erba aveva cominciato a arrampicarsi. Se il suo lavoro disturba, è solo perché non cerca di mascherare la macabra bellezza del processo di crescita / decadimento. “Il mio lavoro riguarda il viscerale e il sensuale. Si basa sul disegno anatomico e sull’illustrazione botanica, ma occupa un territorio liminale tra l’indagine scientifica e il corpo immaginario e soggettivo. “

Adam Cvijanovic

Drawing inspiration from Renaissance fresco painting, Adam Cvijanovic’s ‘portable murals’ depict contemporary landscapes with a sense of celestial awe. Spanning 75 feet, Cvijanovic’s Love Poem captures the dreamy and disquieting essence of suburban Americana as a rapturous science fiction tableau. Envisioning sun-bleached L.A. ten minutes after the end of gravity, Cvijanovic’s utopia ascends in a whirlwind of consumerist ecstasy. Emulating movie backdrops as well as the acclivous perspective of cathedral dome tromp l’oiels, Love Poem… combines the sublime horror of disaster films with a majestic religiosity, as bungalows, Broncos, and palm trees are destroyed in the exaltation of their own perfectness. Painted entirely by the artist without assistants, on a plastic used by Fed Ex, Cvijavovic’s work reconstitutes the intimacy of timeless artistry with a modern day immediacy.


Equilibres / Quiet Afternoon
Peter Fischli (né en 1952 à Zurich) et David Weiss (né en 1946 à Zurich) produisent depuis les années 80 un œuvre protéiforme largement récompensée (Lion d’Or de la Biennale de Venise 2003). Le duo utilise de nombreux supports: installations, sculptures, photographies, vidéos… Entre humour et légèreté, métaphysique et ironie, le travail des deux artistes questionne avec distance le monde, s’interroge sur la difficulté à donner un sens à l’existence humaine. Leur art se situe dans la lignée de l’esprit dada en créant de légers décalages, des détournements propres à révéler la dimension incongrue et poétique du réel. Se jouant de l’attente du spectateur, ils interrogent les conventions de l’art en associant les références à la culture savante et à la culture populaire.
“Est-ce qu’il est possible de vivre sans le moindre doute, en ayant pourtant la possibilité de savoir quelque chose qui soit pertinent en ce qui concerne la vie ? ”


Брайан Ино
브라이언 이노
בריאן אינו
براين إينو
Брайан Ино
Music for Airports
Initially, he referred to these quiet soundscapes as “discreet” music, and on Discreet Music (a wry deconstruction of “Pachelbel’s Canon in D”) demonstrates his basic tools: minimal melodies, subtle textures, and variable repetition. Around this time, he had also been collaborating with the German synth duo Cluster on a pair of moody, coloristic electronic albums, selections from which may be found on the Begegnungen and Begegnungen II compilations. But it was Music for Airports that finally codified these experiments into an aesthetic, and even provided a label for the sound: ambient music.