
Bust of Nefertiti-3D Scans Neues Museum

Years ago, a scandalous “art heist” at the Neues Museum in Berlin—involving illegally made 3D scans of the bust of Nefertiti—turned out to be a different kind of crime. The two Egyptian artists who released the scans claimed they had made the images with a hidden “hacked Kinect Sensor,” reports Annalee Newitz at Ars Technica. But digital artist and designer Cosmo Wenman discovered these were scans made by the Neues Museum itself, which had been stolen by the artists or perhaps a museum employee.


리처드 듀퐁

Manipulating 3-D scans of his own body on the computer, Mr. Dupont then marries digital fabrication methods like rapid prototyping and computer numerically controlled milling with traditional plaster casting and other laborious hand work to make figures that can appear both archaic and futuristic. One of his standing nudes, similar in posture to the Kouros statues from ancient Greece, appears to melt into ripples when viewed on one axis, suggesting the psychic experience of man in the modern world.


리처드 듀퐁

Manipulant des scans 3D de son propre corps sur l’ordinateur, M. Dupont marie ensuite des méthodes de fabrication numérique comme le prototypage rapide et le fraisage à commande numérique par ordinateur avec le moulage en plâtre traditionnel et d’autres travaux manuels laborieux pour créer des figures qui peuvent paraître à la fois archaïques et futuristes. L’un de ses nus debout, similaire dans sa posture aux statues Kouros de la Grèce antique, semble se fondre en ondulations lorsqu’il est vu sur un axe, suggérant l’expérience psychique de l’homme dans le monde moderne.