
John Tavener

We shall see Him as He is
”Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when He shall appear, we shall be like Him; for we shall see Him as He is”. the First Epistle of St John, Chapter 3 verse 2
Tavener converted to the Russian Orthodox Church in 1977.[13] Orthodox theology and liturgical traditions became a major influence on his work. He was particularly drawn to its mysticism, studying and setting to music the writings of Church Fathers and completing a setting of the Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, the principal eucharistic liturgy of the Orthodox Church: this was Tavener’s first directly Orthodox-inspired music

Klaus Leidorf

Scrap Tires

Photographer – Pilot – Aerial Archaeologist
Already in his childhood Klaus Leidorf enjoyed taking photographs from all kind of perspectives – that this is going to be his profession one day he would not think of yet. He studied protestant theology, but realized soon that this is not what he wants to do his whole life. So he changed the subject to pre- and early history.
After his studies he worked at the Bavarian State Office for the Preservation of Historical Monuments and after two years there was the possibility to continue the aerial archaeology for Bavaria. Therefor he got his pilot license and from the late 80ies on, his workplace is several hundred meters above ground in a Cessna 172.


Аниш Капур

Anish Kapoor’s rise to San Giorgio Maggiore is an interesting mix of meteorology, theology and art. It was built for the 2011 Venice Biennale, inside San Giorgio Maggiore. The installation consisted of a huge exhaust duct at the top of the church’s dome and four fan benches that circulated the air around a smoke generator on the floor, directly below the dome. The installation reminds us of a tornado that rises to the sky, but not as a meteorological phenomenon, but as an aesthetic manifestation: a work of art