

Three-Dimensional UV Thread Installations
El artista Jeongmoon Choi utiliza la luz y el hilo para crear instalaciones que juegan con los aspectos de la perspectiva y la ilusión. Con reminiscencias de algo producido en un espectáculo de luces láser, sus campos tridimensionales formados por líneas lumínicas, están instalados en un espacio ultravioleta para crear entornos interactivos.

Nathalie Gebert

On Framing Textile Ambiguities
The installation On Framing Textile Ambiguities is the output of a critical investigation on social and technical developments that led to the current local technological situation. As a series of machines, the installation presents itself as a group. They share the same thread and are made from the same components. Each machine is build around a frame, through which the thread is running. Though they are finding various meanings in the encoding due to differences in the widths of the frames.