
maurizio cattelan


It’s an image that evokes a moment in history seared into our collective consciousness. This is “Blind” by Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan. The sculpture of an aircraft spearing a towering monolith recalls the 9/11 attack on New York’s Twin Towers. The simple black pillar carries a heavy meaning. It’s the final artwork in a new Milan exhibit called “Breath Ghosts Blind”.

Lars Spuybroek

Oblique WTC

著者によると、この建物は単一の巨大構造を形成しており、複雑なネットワークを形成しており、個別のコンポーネントに分解することはできません。 この質感は、ウールニットと比較されます。 中には公共のスペースを含むいくつかのスペースがあります。 通りは曲がった塔に合流しているように見え、その中のエレベーターは坂を上って街の地下鉄に降りる列車になります。


Здание, по мысли автора, образует единую мегаструктуру, сложную сеть, не раскладывающуюся на отдельные компоненты. Эта структура сравнивается с шерстяной вязкой. Внутри располагаются различные пространства, в том числе и общественные. Улицы как бы вливаются в гнущиеся башни, а лифты внутри них становятся поездами, взбирающимися по наклонным плоскостям и спускающимися в городской метрополитен


The building, according to the author, forms a single megastructure, a complex network that cannot be decomposed into separate components. This texture is compared to a wool knit. Inside there are various spaces, including public ones. The streets seem to merge into bending towers, and the elevators inside them become trains that climb inclined planes and descend into the city subway.


Haegue Yang

Sol LeWitt Upside Down
Haegue Yang’s expansive installation, titled Sol LeWitt Upside Down – Structure with Three Towers, Expanded 23 Times, Split in Three, consists of over 500 independent components made of Venetian blinds that together recreate one of LeWitt’s signature works from 1986 – connecting LeWitt’s work to her own attempts to be liberated from the urge to compose, and the way modular thinking leads towards proliferation. Magnifying its size 23 times and hanging it upside down, this is the first work in her Sol LeWitt Upside Down series.

Zaha Hadid Architects

Tower C
‘tower C’ by zaha hadid architects within the Shenzhen bay super headquarters base responds to its location at the intersection of the city’s planned north-south green axis and shenzhen’s east-west urban corridor. Connecting directly with its adjacent park and plazas, which transform into a terraced landscape extending upwards within its two towers, the design invites the public into the heart of the building where cultural and leisure attractions are housed in sweeping bridges that tie the towers together and give panoramic views of the city.

Zaha Hadid Architects

OPPO’s new headquarters
Four interconnected towers reaching a height of 200m (42 floors), the 185,000 square meters design incorporates two towers of flexible, open-plan spaces linked by a 20-storey vertical lobby, and two external service towers providing vertical circulation.

Diana Eng

Ham Radio Hacker
“Amateur Radio operators have shown an insatiable curiosity to explore and populate the high frontiers of the electromagnetic spectrum.” Not only that, but when disaster strikes, ham radio operators are usually called upon to provide and/or help emergency communications.
They’re not dependent on cell phone towers or overloaded systems in times of crisis; they’re distributed and long range. They help, they learn, and they share information. Diana is the type of person you need when you want to tap in to the space station to hear it go by or when you need to coordinate rescue plans when a hurricane drops in.


Yongsan IBD Block H
Inspired by crystalline growth patterns found in nature, the tower’s three tiered wings radiate out from the building’s center. Unlike the design of most Y-type high-rise towers, the design of Block H “steps” each wing asymmetrically so there is a low-wing, a mid-wing and a high-wing. The three wing configuration also enables each apartment to have a corner view from the living space, while maximizing its privacy from the adjacent unit.