
Rufus Wainwright

Sword of Damocles

At a lavish banquet, King Dionysius is confronted by his servant Damocles – a brat who is jealous of the king’s splendor and power. Through supernatural forces, the two roles are switched. The smug, inexperienced commoner becomes the king. But his joy is short-lived.
He quickly realizes that being king isn’t all crowns and cheeseburgers. With great power comes great responsibility.
The Sword of Damocles
Just release it
To the authorities

Raise kindness
Above all else
Avoid the books of
Hatred behind the shelves

I will caress your
Caress your curly hair
With affection
Many a good reason to cut off your head
Then and then

The Sword of Damocles
Just release it
I’m begging
You on my knees

There is no reason
To hide it from the sun
I am a tyrant
Trust me, you are not the one and only
And trust me, you are not the one and only
And trust me, you are not the one and only
Lonely person

The Sword of Damocles
The Sword of Damocles
Just release it
Cut the thread
Why don’t you please



Treu is a real-time audiovisual installation that elaborates on the multiple meanings and implications of the concept of trust. On a macro level it observes how historical events have influenced its course and considers how this can evolve in the future. On a micro level, it, explores how the presence or absence of trust can shift the perception of our individual realities.
Trust is a fundamental element of our society. Politics, economics, and our whole modern system are not material realities – they are psychological constructs based on the trust in individuals, in institutions, in the market. We decide to believe in the value of money, to undertake social changes only if we trust the inventions of our collective imagination.

South Georgia Heritage

NEON – Fantastical Architecture, Art and Design

South Georgia Heritage Trust launched an open call for a site-specific commission to be located on Grytviken the former whaling station of sub-Antarctic Island of South Georgia. The project was required to celebrate the whale through a reinterpretation of the former Flensing Plan (a large timber deck used to process the captured whales) and offer a message of hope for future generations by demonstrating how humankind can move from exploitation to conservation. Our proposal imagines that the deck of the Flensing plan has been cut like a piece of flesh from the ground and bent upwards to form an arc. The timber deck is replaced with concrete pavers which are coloured based on the activities which took place in the sites past and present (whale processing and whale watching). The coloured pavers are positioned to create a gradient which provides the visitor with a visual representation of the way the site has changed over time.

Kris Verdonck

A Two Dogs Company

A man and woman are in a situation of absolute mutual dependence. As opposed to the situation in HEART man and woman are visible for each other. They execute their dance movements in a live loop. These movements will be deconstructed and mechanically manipulated. The machine pushes them to repeat perfectly; for which they inevitably have to trust each other. They are left to each other.


Immaterials – Data between visibility and invisibility
Christopher Warnow (1982) works as an artist, designer and programmer in Berlin and Würzburg, Germany. He is interested in the hopes and the trust we invest in digital data and – images. In installations, performances and workshops he utilizes generative strategies to examine our enthusiasm towards digital technologies and questions its grounds.

Anna Halprin

Parades & Changes
Parades & Changes, replays is a full scale re-creation of the masterpiece Parades & Changes, a major 1965 work of American postmodern dance legend Anna Halprin. The provocative Parades & Changes, Halprin’s first “collective creation” dynamited the codes dominating dance by exposing the process of performance: improvising around several “scores,” dancers dress and undress, inventing gestures and vanishing naked in rolls of skin colored paper. This “ceremony of trust,” as it was named by Halprin, seeks to utilize dance as a medium for being together: her prolific composition addresses the process, the place, the action, and the performer as both unique and corresponding entities.


Джон Грейд
حصل John Grade على BFA من معهد Pratt ، نيويورك في عام 1992 ، وسافر كثيرًا بعد تخرجه ، واكتسب تعرضًا نقديًا للثقافات والبيئات التي أصبحت تشكل رؤيته الفنية. على مدار العقد الماضي ، حصل Grade على العديد من المنح والجوائز ، بما في ذلك منحتان من 4Culture Special Projects ، وثلاث منح GAP من مؤسسة Artists Trust ، وزمالة مؤسسة Artist Trust من لجنة الفنون بولاية واشنطن ، وجائزة مؤسسة Andy Warhol Foundation ، وجائزة مؤسسة Tiffany والإقامات. في جميع أنحاء الولايات المتحدة وخارجها. عرض أعماله على نطاق واسع في صالات العرض والمتاحف في جميع أنحاء البلاد وتم عرض أعماله في “الفن في أمريكا” و “النحت” و “بوسطن غلوب” و “كل الأشياء التي تم التفكير فيها” و “استوديو 360” في NPR.