
David Spriggs

First Wave
First Wave est la nouvelle œuvre d’art d’installation 3D stratachrome de David Spriggs créée pendant la pandémie pour la Triennale Oku-Noto à Suzu, au Japon. Installé dans un ancien entrepôt de filets de pêche, « First Wave » est fabriqué à l’aide de la technique de Spriggs consistant à superposer des transparents peints à la main dans l’espace. L’œuvre monochrome met en lumière notre époque de turbulence et d’anxiété.


Рафаэль Лозано-Хеммер
拉斐尔·洛萨诺 – 亨默
라파엘 로자노
רפאל לוזאנו, המר

A circular display that simulates the turbulence at the surface of the Sun using mathematical equations. The piece reacts to the presence of the public by varying the speed and type of animation displayed. If no one is in front of the piece the turbulence slows down and eventually turns off. As the built-in camera detects people more solar flares are generated and the fake Sun shows more perturbation and activity. At 140 cm diameter, Flatsun is exactly a billion times smaller than the real Sun. The piece consists of custom-made panels with 60,000 red and yellow LED lights, a computer with 8 processing cores, a camera with a pinhole lens and a mechanically engineered aluminium, steel and glass structure that pivots for maintenance. A single knob lets the collector set the brightness of the piece and turn it on and off.

Raven Kwok

“A collaboration with Symmetry Labs at Gray Area Foundation for the Arts in San Francisco. Derivatives of multiple generative rules I designed in the past were adapted to an interactive LED floor. The video demo includes 6 visual sets and transitions in between. Set 01 is an adaption of 1DFBD, which was also used in a couple of projection mapping tests in 2014. Set 03 is derived from an untitled turbulence piece created in 2014 as well. Similar to Set 03, all agents in Set 04 are driven by 3D Perlin Noise flow field. However, instead of being an emitter spawning agents, each dot functions as an attractor intervening in the flow, same way as it did in 2BCD.”Raven Kwok


Sound City
Suspended from the ceiling by two springs and equipped with an oscillating weight fixed inside its body, a Sound City loudspeaker shakes in a disorderly manner in space. The music it plays reacts directly to the movements as if the musicians were inside the loudspeaker and trying in vain to adapt their playing to the turbulences. The originality of the movements comes from the pulsations and interferences produced by the interaction of two coupled harmonic oscillators (the spring and the pendulum) not having the same natural frequency. The two pneumatic jacks to which the springs are attached control the amplitude of the swings.

Lin Hwai-min

White Water and Dust
Set to the piano scores by Erik Satie and other composers, White Water is a lyrical dance of pure movement that flows beautifully as its title suggests. The curtain opens to a projected colour image of a flowing river; it slowly transforms into black and white. In serenity and in turbulence, whiteness of waves and ripples streams out of the blackness. Green netting and girds used for digital design interrupt the flow of water, thus revealing the process of creating virtual images and illusion of light, providing a pleasant surprise to the dance.
Cloud Gate
Cloud Gate is the name of the oldest known dance in China. In 1973, choreographer Lin Hwai-min adopted this classical name for the first contemporary dance company in the greater Chinese-speaking community.

Marcos Novak

Turbulent Topologies
This exhibition explores turbulence as both a formal principle and as a condition of the global metropolis. Through a variety of means, both visible and invisible, it examines the turbulent topologies of mixed layers and crossed currents, hidden links and sudden connections, flow networks and perturbed stratifications. Using both high and low technologies, it proposes a continuum between actual, virtual, and transactive space, form, and inhabitation. Drawing upon diverse fields such as particle physics and biology, logic and geology, and lived histories as they are alternately formed by and trapped in the webs of culture, it offers a series of formal propositions in response to the critical acceptance of turbulence as a condition of twenty-first century life.


FRAC centre

EN 2006, le Frac Centre d’Orléans lance un grand concours international d’architecture pour imaginer et construire le bâtiment qui devrait héberger ses expositions temporaires dont Archilab et sa collection permanente d’art et d’architecture, l’une des plus importantes au monde en ce qui concerne l’architecture contemporaine. Le concours comportait cette particularité d’associer une équipe d’architectes à un artiste, une première. Au terme de ce concours, la paire Jakob MacFarlane + Electronic Shadow est lauréate avec son projet de Turbulences et sa peau lumineuse interactive intégrée à l’architecture.
Sept ans plus tard, le bâtiment est sorti de terre et s’ouvre enfin au public.
L’oeuvre intégrée au bâtiment en dessine les contours par la lumière et évolue au gré des informations qu’elle collecte sur les réseaux, conditions climatiques, saisons, vitesse du vent, autant de paramètres qui influencent le comportement de la peau de lumière.