

Everything Before, Everything After

FILE 2024 | Installations
International Electronic Language Festival
Seph Li – Everything Before, Everything After – China and UK

A digital installation features a winding river in the style of Chinese painting, symbolizing time and transition. Touch screens allow visitors to paint over it, altering its course unpredictably. The river embodies history and the future, with each trace contributing to its eternal flow through space and time. Recorded interactions ensure its perpetual existence.


Born in Beijing in 1988, Seph Li has a mixed background in technology and design, and his keen interest in interactive artworks led him to the field of media arts. Seph studied computer science and entertainment design at Tsinghua University and continued his master’s study in design/media arts at UCLA. Seph currently resides in London, United Kingdom; he creates interactive artworks as well as technical experiments with other production studios.

yoshio kubo


“Various winds are accumulated, pulled out, fluttered, rotated … Repeated over and over again. The invisible wind has the same expression for one second. Isn’t it possible to “see” with a dress that can’t be seen? It is a challenge to design your own style through dress making. ” yoshio kubo

Kris Verdonck

In IN (2003) an actress remains motionless for an hour in a display window filled with water. The distortion to her senses caused by the environment she is in makes her go into a trance. The sounds of her breathing and movement are amplified by microphones.

Sonia Falcone

Windows of the Soul
In de installatie Windows of the Soul gebruikte Sonia Falcone haar spiritualiteit als centraal thema en presenteerde ze dit op de XVII Bienal de Arte de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, in 2010. De video-installatie was gemaakt van dunne, verticale blokken die rond zes meter en ongelijk uitgelijnd. Op de blokken projecteerde ze video gemaakt van korte en kleurrijke componenten die elk een deel van haar persoonlijke leven vertegenwoordigden. Ze mengde kunstmatige en natuurlijke landschappen om de eenheid en het belang van beide in het menselijk bestaan ​​te benadrukken, en de boodschap die ze wilde overbrengen is dat leven mooi is, vanaf het moment van conceptie door alles wat de mens doet en voelt in zijn leven. Haar missie was om hoop te sturen en aan te geven dat er een belofte is voor een betere toekomst.

Daan Roosegaarde

WINDVOGEL are energy generating kites which create up to 100 kW and can supply about 200 households with green energy. Floating in the air, the smart kites move around and are connected with a cable to a ground station. This push and pull of the cable transforms into electricity, like the dynamo of a bicycle.

shiro takatani


Die Wassermatrix (Matrice liquide 3D, auf Französisch) ist eine Robotermaschine, die in Echtzeit Wasserskulpturen erstellt und eine kontinuierliche Entwicklung von Formen und Bildern zum Leben erweckt. Diese Installation schafft vergängliche Skulpturen, die der Betrachter in ständiger Beobachtung und Überraschung festhält, fast eine Metapher des berühmten Flusses Heraklit, in dem „alles fließt, alles sich ändert, nichts übrig bleibt. Tore. Die Idee der 3D-Flüssigmatrix wurde 2001 bei einem Besuch in Lille, der Kulturhauptstadt Europas, geboren, wo Shiro Takatani einen Roboterbrunnenschreiber projizierte, der seine Botschaften übermitteln sollte, indem er eine Reihe flüssiger Buchstaben auf den Teich fallen ließ. Leider existierte die Technologie noch nicht und er musste warten, um einen zuverlässigen technischen Partner mit umfassender Erfahrung im Bau digitaler Wasservorhänge als Lumiartecnia Internacional zu finden. Zwei renommierte Digitalkünstler haben während der Roboterkunstausstellung die Kunstwerke für die Wassermatrix entwickelt: Shiro Takatani und Christian Partos. Shiro Takatanis Kunstwerk schafft eine räumliche Erfahrung, die mehrere Schichten paralleler Tröpfchen erzeugt, die auf magische Weise in der Luft zu schweben scheinen, und für Momente, in denen sie sich aus dem Teich erheben und wieder fallen, in sich unmöglich entwickelnden Kreationen, die der Schwerkraft zu trotzen scheinen. Christian Partos Kunstwerk schafft Sequenzen von Wasserskulpturen, die die Fähigkeit der Wassermatrix zeigen, sofort vergängliche Wasserformen zu erzeugen, die im Teich unten verschwinden, um eine neue zu gebären, und auf diese Weise ein konstant fließendes Video von 3D-Skulpturen zu erstellen, als ob sie es wären waren Fotogramme aus einem Film.


레오 비야 레알
In dieser funkelnden Installation mit dem Titel Volume nahm der Künstler Leo Villareal eine Handvoll funkelnder Sterne und brachte sie auf die Erde. Das zylinderförmige Teil hing an der Decke und enthielt mehr als 20.000 LED-Leuchten aus reflektierendem, hochglanzpoliertem Edelstahl, die einen dreidimensionalen Raum schufen, in dem Licht lebendig werden konnte. Die Beleuchtungsmuster, gesteuert durch Villareals Software-Code-Design, Bewegen Sie sich in verschiedenen Geschwindigkeiten, Ein- und Ausschaltzyklen und Wellen von Helligkeit und Dunkelheit. Einem Rezensenten zufolge ist „das Stück ein schillerndes Tongedicht, das den Betrachter in einen tiefen, abstrakten Raum zieht, während es die zeitliche und visuelle Wahrnehmung verzerrt.“ Villareal ist kein Anfänger, wenn es um erstaunliche Lichtskulpturen geht. Schauen Sie sich diesen 200 Fuß langen Lichtshow-Tunnel an, den er auf dem Concourse-Gehweg der Ost- und Westgebäude in der National Gallery of Art installiert hat. Der Raum zwischen Villareals Installationen und seinem Publikum ist ein wichtiger Faktor, da die Zuschauer mit den Lichtern verflochten sind, die ringsum pulsieren.


Dalston House
Located in Hackney, Dalston House by Leandro Erlich is a temporary installation comprising a reconstructed house facade lying face-up and a mirror positioned over it at a 45-degree angle. As a person walks over the surface of the house, the mirror reflects their image and creates the illusion that they are walking up the walls. Similarly, visitors can make it look like they are balancing over the cornices or dangling from the windows.


Balanced atop a single column, ReActor twirls when the wind blows and tilts see-saw like with the shifting weight of its inhabitants. The fifth project made in collaboration with Ward Shelley, this project is built on a hill the OMI International Arts Center’s Architecture Field

Joris Strijbos



IsoScope is a kinetic audiovisual outdoor installation, a sensorial experience in which the audience wanders through rotating lights and an ever-changing sonic cloud. This new work by Dutch artist Joris Strijbos consists of multiple robotic wind objects interacting with each other and with their surroundings. Strijbos aimed at creating a human-constructed phenomenon, an abstract entity which, like most natural phenomena, can only be experienced in certain weather conditions. IsoScope can be seen as a proposition for a new kind of machinic and artificial lifeform. IsoScope was commissioned by Sonic Acts for the second Dark Ecology Journey (2015) and realised in collaboration with Jeroen Molenaar, Daan Johan and Erfan Abdi.


The Search of The Glow
Sprinkling the mist while attaching the tree trunk. Interweaving a scenery with the forest which is inside the deep mountain. Sight with clarity or blur. Light stream lead the mysterious mist to venture the forest. Found a light object under the crowd of trees which is constructed by blend woods. Wood sticks are overlapping and winding as a hollow pinecone. Its construction and pattern go well with the line of the treetop. It’s a whispering between human and the nature.


Marsha is a AI SpaceFactory’s NASA-award-winning design and prototype for a 3D printed Mars habitat. The prototype was printed nearly autonomously in 2019 within a 30-hour construction window. “Our 3D print technology uses a recyclable biopolymer composite which outperformed concrete in NASA’s strength, durability, and crush testing. ASTM lab tested and certified to be two to three times stronger than concrete in compression, our space-grade material is also five times more durable than concrete in freeze-thaw conditions.” Ai-Spacefactory

Iris van Herpen

イリス ヴァン ヘルペン
Autumn/Winter 2019
This season van Herpen collaborated with American kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe, whose pieces are powered by the wind. His spherical Omniverse sculpture had pride of place in the Élysée Montmartre venue. The designer said she was compelled by the way its arching vertebrae, spinning on a curving axis, simultaneously expand and contract. Her finale dress was made in the image of Omniverse, with rotating wings constructed of aluminum, stainless steel, and feathers.


People’ faces are scanned throught a sensor and acquired in a digital environment. The software application written by the designers generates customized masks for each person. The masks are produced as unique pieces through 3d printing and WINDFORM materials.

Refik Anadol Studios

Wind of Boston: Data Paintings
Wind of Boston: Data Paintings is a site-specific work that turns the invisible patterns of wind in and around Boston into a series of poetic data paintings within a 6’ x 13’ digital canvas. By using a one-year data set collected from Boston Logan Airport, Refik Anadol Studios developed a series of custom software to read, analyze and visualize wind speed, direction, and gust patterns along with time and temperature at 20-second intervals throughout the year.


Tate Project Part I ]

The choreography rehearsed and performed in 2010 paired the rigour of classical steps with contemporary movement, a juxtaposition that paralleled Clark’s training as a ballet dancer at the Royal Ballet, and his later anti-hierarchical, anti-authoritarian choreographic experiments. Balletic poses, jumps and steps were isolated from traditional narrative sequences and made strange through repetition. The graceful leaps and turns of the trained dancers seemed awkward and uneven, just as they were often out of sync and oriented in different directions. This choreography paralleled the performance space, which was demarcated by geometric and striped floor mats designed by Charles Atlas, which resembled the large windows at the back of the hall and the black beams that extend vertically from floor to ceiling.


イリス ヴァン ヘルペン
Autumn/Winter 2019
This season van Herpen collaborated with American kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe, whose pieces are powered by the wind. His spherical Omniverse sculpture had pride of place in the Élysée Montmartre venue. The designer said she was compelled by the way its arching vertebrae, spinning on a curving axis, simultaneously expand and contract. Her finale dress was made in the image of Omniverse, with rotating wings constructed of aluminum, stainless steel, and feathers.


Джозефин Мексепер
Josephine Meckseper is adept at critiquing her environment. She questioned the prosperity of the art world by placing an “Out of Business” sign in the window of a gallery in Chelsea (a similarly cheeky “Help Wanted” sign attracted up to 20 applicants a day who had failed to get in on the joke). In 2012 she erected two 25-foot oil rigs in the heart of Times Square to remind unsuspecting tourists about the perils of capitalism and industrialization. Her work critically examines mass media, our consumption-obsessed society, and even our political systems.

Chen Qi

The Overall Effect of Flying with the Wind
Chen Qi has applied watermarked prints, woodcuts, books, installations, videos and other various media in his “Notations of Time” of 2010. In his new creations, he continues his exploration into “time”, “life”, “existence” and other basic issues with his off-screen language. Thus, his “Flying with the Wind” can be taken as an extension of his general concept of “Notation of Time”, as well as being closely related to his water-based printmaking which is a continuation of the infatuation with the traces of objects from Chinese wash paintings and the ink rubbings of ancient stele inscriptions.

Sophia Collier

River Under Me
„Eines Tages ging ich über eine Brücke und dachte, ich wünschte, ich könnte nach unten greifen und ein Stück der Wasseroberfläche aufheben und es für immer behalten. Collier arbeitet in ihrem Studio in Sausalito und schnitzt Wasseroberflächen aus Acrylblöcken. Dabei werden Phantasie, Software und Werkzeugmaschinen kombiniert, um Windkreuzungswasser und das daraus resultierende Licht zu erfassen. Ich habe in diesen Jahren nicht sofort damit begonnen, daran zu arbeiten hatte einen Job bei einem Investmentfonds. Aber aus dieser Arbeit wusste ich, dass es möglich ist, Software zu entwickeln, um riesige, turbulente, nichtlineare Datensätze wie Geld zu modellieren… und vielleicht auch Wasser in Bewegung.
Anfang 2008 war ich bereit und kehrte mit voller Wucht zu dieser Idee zurück. Ich verschenkte einen Schrank voller Business-Anzüge und Damenschuhe und begann, mein Studio und meine Fähigkeiten aufzubauen. Ich reiste nach Detroit und fand müßige Maschinisten, die mir das Präzisionsfräsen beibrachten. Ich habe Animation und 3D-Modellierung gelernt. Ich habe mit Materialien experimentiert und eine Farbpalette aus Acrylblock entwickelt. Anstatt Verarbeiter einzustellen, entwickelte ich Methoden und Geräte, um jedes Stück selbst in meinem eigenen Studio herzustellen. Wenn ich jetzt meine fertige Arbeit betrachte, sehe ich Frieden. Starke Emotionen und Turbulenzen haben einen Ruheplatz gefunden. Die Oberfläche ist eine Linse für reines Licht.



MONOLITH is the title of French multimedia artist Reynald Drouhin’s latest art project which consists of a series of digitally manipulated images of stunning natural landscapes. In the middle of picturesque sunsets and serene Arctic landscapes, Drouhin pastes a mysterious prismatic shape and then flips it, thus creating a mind-boggling visual effect of an otherworldly transparent object hovering in desolate locations. The entire project is an ingenious appropriation of the famous monolith from Stanley Kubrick’s film ”2001: A Space Odyssey” where mysterious dark rectangular objects (dubbed as monoliths) were scattered across the solar system by an unknown alien civilisation which seemed to guide humans along a risky interplanetary journey. Reynald Drouhin’s MONOLITH series captures exactly the double nature of Kubrick’s monoliths: the inverted shapes in the photographs seem to be a window to another dimension, a physical anomaly which distorts the nature around it, and is both menacing and inviting.


The Blur Building (an architecture of atmosphere)
The Blur Building is a media pavilion for Swiss EXPO 2002 at the base of Lake Neuchatel in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland.From piles in the water, a tensegrity system of rectilinear struts and diagonal rods cantilevers out over the lake. Ramps and walkways weave through the tensegrity system, some of them providing a counterweight for the structure. The form is based on the work of Buckminster Fuller.The pavilion is made of filtered lake water shot as a fine mist through 13,000 fog nozzles creating an artificial cloud that measures 300 feet wide by 200 feet deep by 65 feet high. A built-in weather station controls fog output in response to shifting climatic conditions such as temperature, humidity, wind direction, and wind speed.The public can approach Blur via a ramped bridge. The 400 foot long ramp deposits visitors at the center of the fog mass onto a large open-air platform where movement is unregulated. Visual and acoustical references are erased along the journey toward the fog leaving only an optical “white-out” and the “white-noise” of pulsing water nozzles. Prior to entering the cloud, each visitor responds to a questionnaire/character profile and receives a “braincoat” (smart raincoat). The coat is used as protection from the wet environment and storage of the personality data for communication with the cloud’s computer network. Using tracking and location technologies, each visitor’s position can be identified and their character profiles compared to any other visitor.In the Glass Box, a space surrounded by glass on six sides, visitors experience a “sense of physical suspension only heightened by an occasional opening in the fog.” As visitors pass one another, their coats compare profiles and change color indicating the degree of attraction or repulsion, much like an involuntary blush – red for affinity, green for antipathy. The system allows interaction among 400 visitors at any time.Visitors can climb another level to the Angel Bar at the summit. The final ascent resembles the sensation of flight as one pierces through the cloud layer to the open sky. Here, visitors relax, take in the view, and choose from a large selection of commercial waters, municipal waters from world capitals, and glacial waters. At night, the fog will function as a dynamic and thick video screen.


Animated Apertures

instead of windows, mouths with green “hair” that sway in the wind. This is the Animated Apertures Housing Tower, a project of the American architecture firm B + U. The fun building appears to have been attacked by carnivorous plants. The residential building will be built in Lima, Peru. Architects Herwig Baumgartner and Scott Uriu, known for the use of new materials, explain that they wanted to “show that architecture can exist between nature and technology”. Therefore, the designs and colors that imitate plants, in a building that looks more like a living organism. The “hairs” of the windows will be made of a special silicone and will move with the wind, giving the impression of being tentacles. The project is also innovative in its structure, because instead of several small windows, it proposes few and large openings. Thus, professionals avoided a regular facade. The building will have 20 floors and 90 car spaces in an underground car park. The coverage will also have a garden and swimming pool for residents.



Inspiriert vom alten chinesischen „Bi“, den neolithischen Jadescheiben mit einer zentralen Öffnung, die verwendet wurden, um über das Überschreiten der Erde zum Himmel zu meditieren, besteht “Solarsonic” aus 14 Linsen, die in der äußeren Glasdachstruktur des Terminals aufgehängt sind. Die Linsen – Eine einseitig mit holographischem lichtablenkendem Glas ummantelte Zugringstruktur – ist graduiert und durch 20 horizontale Kabel verbunden, die in einem Torroidmuster gewebt, gespannt und an beiden Enden an Verankerungen befestigt sind. Das gesamte 100 Meter lange Ensemble besteht aus King erinnert an einen segmentierten chinesischen Drachendrachen, der vom Rumpf des SST skaliert wurde. Bei der Entwicklung von Solarsonic wurde King an den Science-Fiction-Autor Sir Arthur Clarks Kurzgeschichte “Wind from the Sun” über ein Raumschiff erinnert, das von der Kraft von angetrieben wurde Sonnenlicht. Diese Methode der Raumfahrt wird Realität. Solarsonic gehört zu einer Reihe chromatischer Skulpturen von King, die für die Interaktion mit der Sonne entwickelt wurden. Die konkave holographische Linse der Skulptur Sie sind so positioniert, dass sie dem südlichen Meridian der Sonne zugewandt sind und nachts beleuchtet werden. Ray King ist ein Künstler, der die natürlichen Phänomene von Licht und Optik als Kunstmedium nutzt. Seit 1976 stellt er seine Arbeiten international aus. Große Installationen wurden in den USA, Europa und Asien in Auftrag gegeben – alle sind ortsspezifisch und vom umgebenden Raum und der Landschaft inspiriert.