Fred Penelle & Yannick Jacquet

Mécaniques Discursives
This installation project has developed out of the encounter of the engraver Fred Penelle with the video artist Yannick Jacquet (Legoman). It is a mixture of engraving and video projection representing a sort of absurd and poetic machinery unfolding across walls like some exquisite corpse using the principle of a chain reaction as its starting point. Frédéric Penelle has been going to great lengths for a number of years to release engraving from its traditional context and “beautiful paper”. He uses his installations to breathe new life into engraving by moving it off a path that is too well trodden. As regards Yannick Jacquet’s work, this is marked by a desire to step outside of traditional projection formats and put video into space. The main tool is audiovisual performances, installations and stage design. Their shared desire to leave the beaten path of their respective disciplines brought them together in this project.