
Always Have To Repeat Myself

ALMA HASER Always Have To Repeat Myself
source: miniclickcouk

source: gestaltencom
It’s hard to pin down what media German artist Alma Haser actually works with: Her series involve photography, cut-up collages, rephotographing prints, and weaving together multiple images to strike a balance of time and space. Take I Always Have To Repeat Myself, for example. Each piece layers two or more prints either physically (weaving or overlaying strips of different photographs to add a sense of depth and dimension) or within a new frame—a number of the pieces feature sitters manipulating photographs of themselves, playing with perspective to offer and dizzying and disorienting fresh take on portraiture and image making.
source: haserorg
Alma Haser graduated in 2010, completing her BA (Hons) in Photography in Art Practice at Nottingham Trent University.
Bilingual in English and German, she comes from a family steeped in arts and the creative industries, both in the UK and in Europe. Aged 13, she accompanied her mother and younger brother on a round-the-world trip, culminating in a six-month stay on the Cook Islands in the South Pacific. Travel continues to be one of her great passions.

After exploring with self-portraiture, and then moving to London Alma started to create a strong body of portraits which have got her a lot of recognition. Chosen by the British Journal of Photography as one of the four best graduates of 2010, her work has featured in 10 exhibitions internationally. Her Cosmic Surgery series received third place peoples choice award at the Foto8 Summer Show 2012 and ‘The Ventriloquist,’ a portrait of two friends, was shortlisted for the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize shown at the National Portrait Gallery in London. She has also been chosen as 2013 Magenta Foundation’s Bright Spark Award.