
paul cocksedge

Please Be Seated

paul cocksedge Please Be Seated

British designer Paul Cocksedge transformed Finsbury Avenue Square with Please Be Seated. Located in the heart of Broadgate, the Landmark Project was the most ambitious of British Land’s commissions to date.

The large-scale installation fused innovation and technology, and responded to the changing rhythm of the community: its design featured curves for people to sit on and walk under, further enhancing London’s largest pedestrianised neighbourhood. The work was made from scaffolding planks, and Cocksedge collaborated with Essex-based high-end interiors company White & White to re-imagine and re-use the building wood.

“Every single aspect of the installation is tailored to its environment as well as the function it serves,” says Cocksedge. “The curves raise up to create backrests and places to sit, as well as space for people to walk under, or pause and find some shade. It walks the line between a craft object and a design solution. It occupies the square without blocking it.”

Broadgate’s The Space | 3FA was home to an exhibition of Paul Cocksedge’s work, including his journey from inception to creation of Please Be Seated. As part of Shoreditch Design Triangle’s Design Night, Paul was in conversation with a panel of experts discussing meaningful design for the public realm.

Chief Executive of British Land, Chris Grigg said: “Design is integral to everything we do at British Land so we’re delighted to continue our partnership with London Design Festival for the fourth consecutive year. We truly believe good design has the power to create places where people want to be and where people want to spend time.”
Please Be Seated is a giant outdoor seating installation made of three concentric rings of wave-like forms made from scaffolding planks.

Created by British designer Paul Cocksedge, the communal bench has been built in Broadgate for the London Design Festival.

Built in Finsbury Avenue Square alongside Make’s Number One Broadgate office block in the City of London, Please Be Seated is made of three rings of benches that rise and fall in a wave-like pattern.

Each of the undulating forms – which increase in size and height from the smallest central element – are made from a steel structure topped with scaffolding planks.

Where the waves meet the ground they form benches, with the rising waves forming access routes to the central seating areas.

“Every single aspect of this is tailored to its environment as well as the function it serves,” said Cocksedge.

“The curves raise up to create backrests and places to sit, as well as space for people to walk under, or pause and find some shade,” he continued.

Cocksedge created Please Be Seated to enhance London’s largest pedestrianised neighbourhood by being a installation which is also a useable piece of street furniture.

“It walks the line between a craft object and a design solution,” said Cocksedge. “It occupies the square without blocking it.”

Cocksedge established Paul Cocksedge Studio with Joana Pinho in 2004, with the studio creating numerous installations, including a floating illuminated telephone number that “had no explanation” also in London.

He has also designed many works of furniture including a series made from the floor of its own studio.

Please Be Seated is one of many public installations that have been created across the city as part of the 2019 London Design Festival, which runs from 14 to 22 September.

As part of the festival Sam Jacob has created a cartoon-style animation showing a watery scene filled with rubbish to highlight the threat plastic poses to the oceans, while Kengo Kuma has designed as installation made of reinforced bamboo.
Auf dem London Design Festival 2019 zeigt der britische Designer Paul Cocksedge mit »Please Be Seated« eine Sitzbank aus drei konzentrischen Ringen in Broadgate. Die mit dem in Essex ansässigen Unternehmen White & White konzipierte Installation aus Bauholz reagiert mit dem Schwingungsmuster auf den Rhythmus der »largest pedestrianised neighbourhood« in London.

Unterschiedlich starke Amplituden in der Wellenform formen Rückenlehnen und individuelle als auch kollektive Sitzgelegenheiten aus. Gleichzeitig schafft die wellenförmige Stahlkonstruktion mit Gerüstbohlen ein urbanes Labyrinth, das Schatten spendet und als Ort der Ruhe inmitten der City of London in Erscheinung tritt. Bei der Installation gehe es insbesondere darum, das handwerkliche Objekt mit einer sozialen Formgebung zu verbinden, erklärt Cocksedge.

Bis zum 11. Oktober 2019 können Besuchende die Sitzbank am Finsbury Avenue Square nutzen. Zusätzlich zeigt »The Space | 3FA« eine Ausstellung über den Entwurfsprozess von »Please Be Seated«. Im Rahmen der »Shoreditch Design Triangle’s Design Night« wird der Designer persönlich mit einer Expertenrunde über Design im öffentlichen Raum sprechen.
Dans le cadre du London Design Festival 2019, « Please Be Seated » de Paul Cocksedge a pris le contrôle de Finsbury Avenue Square, dans le quartier de Broadgate.
La sculpture ondulante est composée de cercles de bois concentriques qui se lisent et se déroulent pour créer des espaces fonctionnels propices à la socialisation et au repos.
Paul Cocksedgee a collaboré avec White & White pour fabriquer l’immense installation en bois d’échafaudage et acier recyclé.
Paul Cocksedge Studio:日前,受Broadgate委托,英国国际知名设计师Paul Cocksedge设计了Broadgate的名为“请就坐”的标志性装置项目。该项目将是英国迄今为止最具雄心的地标性设施。

Paul Cocksedge Studio:Internationally renowned British designer Paul Cocksedge is transforming Broadgate with Landmark Project, Please Be Seated. Commissioned by Broadgate, the project will be the most ambitious of British Land’s Landmark installations to date.