


source: labsunion


阿爾巴尼亞攝影師Adrian Limani做到了。他以弟弟和月亮互動作為題材,拍攝了一系列作品,再利用剪影的方式呈現,月亮彷彿真的成了玩物一樣,既活潑又生動!

Adrian Limani的個人網站走簡約路線,簡單明瞭卻不失質感。除了月亮外,他還有很多其他主題的作品,像是人物、日落、動物、自然、建築等等,非常豐富且具創意和美感。
source: adrianlimani

Adrian Limani is an Albanian award-winning, internationally published photographer .From his childhood he was given after design,technology & multimedia.Adrian Limani have been a photographer almost all his life. Naturally he continue in the career of photography world. This is a good part of his photo portfolio.Most things in life are moments of pleasure and a lifetime of embarrassment; photography is a moment of embarrassment and a lifetime of pleasure. Photography is his passion.He started with photography seriously when he was 17 with his digital camera,while a professional camera he bought when he was 19. For this short period he started to like category FineArt/Conceptual photography because it lets you to create your kind of photo and you can show your imagination. His first collection of FineArt was the Idea of “Life inside a Lightbulb”.He do photo manipulations basis in his own photos.After a lot of his works with LightBulbs that he has published on the internet,social medias,website for photography like deviantart,500px a lot of people see them. His first interview was for a well known UK Photography Magazine “Photography Monthly” it was about Bright Ideas with my LightBulb work. And after that,one of the biggest and well known newspaper have published an article about his work (DailyMail UK Newspaper) and a lot of newspapers and portals around the globe.
Now his work has been featured on TV’s like BBC,CNN,RTL and to count a few.
All info About publications you can find on Menu-Publications.
source: lostininternet

Adrian Limani takes full advantage of the natural lighting and the different positions of the moon to snap some playful pictures with nothing but his camera and his brother. The 22-year-old self-taught photographer started taking pictures with a digital camera five years ago and bought a DSLR 2 years after. As his photos show, he gravitates towards Fine Art and Conceptual Photography because of the fusion between reality and imaginary and according to him, “I live in a place that you can’t do much so I try to cross the border with my imaginative world,and I’ve achieved it.” The melding of both worlds can clearly be seen in the optical illusions as he uses the moon to mimic the ball in the sports he loves to play. The series may look like cliched photos people often take with far objects but it is arguably more than that. The raw silhouettes, the simplicity of the setting, the ambient lighting, and the ethereal presence of the moon all make for some spectacular images.
source: animalworld

21-летний серб Адриан Лимани (Adrian Limani) презентовал замечательную серию снимков, где сияющая Луна выступила в не совсем обычной роли. Проявив немного фантазии, Адриан с помощью младшего брата превратил Луну в элемент спортивной игры. Получилось очень здорово, оцените.
source: iroriojp

撮影したのは、21歳のアルバニア人フォトグラファー、Adrian Limani氏。数週間前にセルビアにて、彼自身の兄弟をモデルに撮ったものだとか。どれも躍動感を感じさせるものばかりで、月が本物のボールのように見えてしまう。