source: highlike
Work: for her installation “Entreakt”, Alexandra Baumgartner was inspired by healing methods in mental hospitals in the late 19th century. Jean-Martin Charcot, a renowned French neurologist practiced hypnosis to treat the disorder of hysteria and other abnormal mental conditions. Using photographs of this very theatrical hypnosis session, Baumgartner stages a new story and invites viewers to witness a frozen action of occultism. The woman is suddenly no longer the patient of a debatable medical treatment, but the protagonist of an open story…
Image: Entreakt, 2013 black and white print (from a photograph by Albert Londe, 1886) and balancing wooden chairs variable dimension.
Photographer: Stefanie Seidl
source: alexandrabaumgartner
*1973 in salzburg; lives and works in berlin; 2000-2004 university of applied arts vienna; 1998-2000 photography college, grafische lehranstalt vienna; 1994-1998 university mozarteum salzburg.
source: bpigs
The presented works of “Episode 5: in the beginning…“ at insitu, focus on story-telling, staging and the story structures. Different artistic positions deal with developing or with breaking a narrative and playing with the visitors expectations on how a story evolves.