

Алексей Бедный

source: etodayru

Русский фотохудожник Алексей Бедный (Alexey Bednij) создает впечатляющие фотоманипуляции с тенью людей и животных.
source: thedifferentbrain

Alexey Bednij is a 28-year-old Russian photographer who manipulates photos of people and animals in a way to make Shadow Photography that is unique to the industry.

The latest project created by Bednij is created with black and white contrast and a mixture of people and animals. To create such stunning images, what Bednij calls ‘collages,’ you would think that he would sit and wait patiently until the scene is perfectly set before taking the shot. As you take a closer look at the images you will see the shadows are set in different directions, which, is impossible to do. You will start to realise that Bednij has manipulated the image to create a mind bending effect, however, digital manipulation or not, this shadow photography is truly breathtaking.
source: feitcokr

러시아의 젊은 사진 작가인 Alexey Bednij의 감각이 느껴지는 사진들.
실제 사람이나 동물의 그림자등을 독특한 구조로 잡아내어
마치 그래픽 작업물처럼 보이기도 한다.