source: fashioningtech
A recent graduate from RMIT University in Melbourne, Amelia Agosta is an upcoming Haute Tech designer worth keeping your eye on. Her final year collection “Engineered Distortion’ intricately fused craft and technology, using digital tools such as body scanners and 3D printers.
Her deconstructed architectural style is certainly on trend and her craft in using digital tools results in a collection accented with repetitive organic geometries that wrap around the body.
source: natashafagg
I was introduced to 3D rapid prototyping at the start of 2011 through the initiatory elective ‘digital fashion’. This course, offered through RMIT, introduced me to the 3D modelling program Rhino. I developed the necessary skills to design upon an avatar of a size 8 model which I 3D scanned, granting me the ability to produce stand alone pieces as well as items customised to the body. The terra-flat function of the program has also enabled me to design garments digitally upon the avatar and unfold these garments to create flat patterns.
I was approached by Amelia Agosta to produce two supporting items for her graduating collection. Piece one was designed by Amelia and took the form of two neck pieces which wrapped around the shoulders, attaching to the garment. After this piece was successfully printed Amelia invited me to use my knowledge of the program to design the second piece. With the knowledge of her collection I wanted to design a visually striking piece which would deliver a bold statement. Amelia was happy with my design and through consultation I was able to produce the file using my 3D avatar and Rhino knowledge.
source: innovatrendy
Амелия Агоста (Amelia Agosta) — австралийский дизайнер, окончившая RMIT University в Мельбурне представила свою выпускную Haute Tech коллекцию «Спроектированное искажение» (Engineered Distortion), где соединила цифровые технологии, искусство, музыку, а также сканирование тела и печать изделий.
Моделью для создания шаблон для системы трехмерного моделирования и сканирования выступила модель Наташа Фагг (Natasha Fagg). Основные задачи состояли в том, чтобы умело обернуть тело материалом, сохранить возможности движения (детали должны легко разбираться и собираться) и придать геометрическую форму и прочность . Созданная модель была напечатана на устройстве sPro SLS (Selective Laser Sintering — выборочное лазерное спекание) за одну ночь.
Показ новой модели бюстгальтера с большим успехом прошел на весенней неделе моды в Мельбурне (Melbourne Spring Fashion Week).