
Andrew Lyman

Alone Together

Andrew Lyman

source: highlike

Work: The phrase Alone Together describes a nature of personal relationships and relating to one another that I have found to be characteristic of an experience the generation I am a part of encounters, if not others as well. The phrase in context of communication calls upon the experience and realization that your mental state is completely unique and solitary. There is a push to connect with others as well as to find someone to spend your life with, and along with this push comes the expectation of a complete and total togetherness. There is an eventual point of realization and discovery of your own mental state and its perpetual solitude, transcending physical closeness with others. The photographs in the series evoke contemplation of this experience, through imagery of the mundane, capturing a quiet departure into a somewhat bizarre disconsolate self-investigation. The photographs play with the association of Alone Together to intimacy and love, with an alternate interpretation or redefinition according to newfound phenomenon.

Andrew Lyman is a photographer based in Savannah, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a BFA in photography in the School of Fine Arts at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Lyman’s work has appeared on blogs such as Booooooom, I Love that Photo and Phases Mag, his work has been exhibited in galleries in Savannah and Atlanta and New York.
Photographer: Andrew lyman
source: naver

프랑스브랜드아코테 acote with ANDREW LYMAN

오랫만에 홈페이지에 들렀더니,
세컨라인으로 활약하던 아코테라인이 마치 독립을 한듯한 느낌이 들어서 포스팅해보기로 합니다.
이전과는 너무나 다른 느낌이지만
빈티지한 느낌이 아주 좋아서 사진 담아왔습니다.
[출처] 프랑스브랜드아코테 acote with ANDREW LYMAN|작성자 제이
source: columnsometime-else

Andrew Lyman畢業於Savannah College of Art and Design主修攝影,目前生活居住於美國喬治亞州的古城Savannah。Andrew Lyman總是把鏡頭對向生活,記錄出遊和派對、幸福和孤單的片刻。

照片總是和人有關的。鏡頭裡時常擠滿了不同的人臉,他們姿態各異身上沾滿了青春的金箔,人影旋轉流動彷彿電影中段快轉的過場,而其中有一個持續的主題,索引式地標注穿插在這些看似漫遊的喧嘩畫面之中,Andrew Lyman把他們命名為”Alone Together”,照片裡兩兩一組的人物和生活物件,獨自卻在一起,相互彼此卻也孤單寂寥,關於友情或是愛情。Andrew Lyman說到召喚,喚醒親密和孤單,他們如何同時存在且兩相依偎,又如何尖銳地昭示著彼此如一組滑稽的對照。在Andrew Lyman的眾多照片之中,”Alone Together”間隔出現,痛感地提醒人和人的關係,你和我之間,一種軟弱自溺、又痛又癢的病。
source: aintbadmagazine

Andrew Lyman is a photographer and artist living and working in Savannah, Georgia. He is currently pursuing a BFA in photography at the Savannah College of Art and Design. Lyman’s work has appeared on blogs such as Booooooom, I Love that Photo and Phases Mag, his work has been exhibited in galleries in Savannah and Atlanta and was recently a contributor to the Blog/Reblog Photography Exhibition at the Signal Gallery in Brooklyn, NY.