anton alvarez
انطون ألفاريز
안톤 알바레즈
Антон Альварес
Thread Wrapping Architecture
source: thisispaper
The Thread Wrapping Machine is a tool to join different types of material with only a glue-coated thread to bond it. By using this construction method materials such as wood, steel, plastic or bricks can be joined to form objects and spaces.
“I wanted to create an externalised joint, that would enable me to combine a big range of different materials that normally would require very time consuming methods of jointing them together. At the same time a decorative pattern appears with the different colours of the thread.”
Objects build with the Thread Wrapping Machine, only the glue-coated thread is used to hold the components of the pieces together.
source: wde
Die Möbelstücke von Anton Alvarez werden von meterlangem Garn zusammengehalten und sehen aus wie eingesponnen. Der schwedisch-chilenische Designer hat für die Produktion eigens eine meterhohe Maschine gebaut – die “Thread Wrapping Machine”.
Die “Thread Wrapping Machine” ist ein Werkzeug, um unterschiedliche Materialien – wie Holz, Stahl oder Kunststoff – nur mit der Hilfe von Klebstoff und Hunderten Meter Garn miteinander zu kombinieren. Weder Schrauben noch Nägel werden benötigt, um die verschiedenen Möbelteile zusammenzuhalten. Anton Alvarez wurde 1980 in Uppsala/Schweden geboren. Er studierte Innenarchitektur, Möbeldesign und Kunst, zuvor machte er eine Ausbildung zum Tischler. Seine Werke wurden schon international ausgestellt, unter anderem im London Design Museum und im Victoria & Albert Museum in der britischen Hauptstadt.
source: designplaygroundit
Anton Alvarez è un designer di origine svedese-cilena che lavora tra Londra e Stoccolma.
Alvarez sognava di realizzare un dispositivo in grado di unire diversi tipi di materiali (legno, plastica, acciaio ecc…) senza utilizzare i metodi tradizionali, che avrebbero richiesto tempi molto lunghi per l’assemblaggio.
Dopo anni di ricerca Alvarez ha costruito, in soli 120 giorni, la “Thread Wrapping Machine”, uno strumento capace di unire qualsiasi tipo di materiale con fili ricoperti da colla. Con la sua invenzione non sono necessari né viti né chiodi. Utilizzando questo metodo di costruzione infatti, materiali come legno, acciaio o plastica possono essere uniti con dei fili dando vita a oggetti e arredi molto più velocemente.
Oltre a comporre la struttura, il filo è al tempo stesso un motivo decorativo. I prodotti da costruzione – legno, acciaio, plastica o mattoni – possono essere uniti per formare oggetti e addirittura spazi
Per l’assemblaggio dei vari pezzi e materiali è necessario giustapporre manualmente i pezzi dentro il cerchio meccanico della macchina ideata da Alvarez su cui sono disposti diversi rocchetti e un motore ricavato da una macchina da cucire industriale che li avvolge in una maglia di fili colorati.
Ogni singolo oggetto realizzato con la Thread Wrapping Machine è un’evoluzione di quello precedente. Vedo le centinaia di pezzi di arredamento che ho fatto finora come parte di una ricerca verso una meta sconosciuta.
Il lavoro di Alvarez è stato esposto al Design Museum e al Victoria & Albert Museum di Londra.
source: antonalvarez
Thread Wrapping Architecture is a continuation of the on-going project; the Thread Wrapping Machine. The latest version of the device opens up the possibility to assemble objects in a new size, creating objects and components in a scale of architecture.
source: antonalvarez
Anton Alvarez is a Swedish-Chilean designer currently based in Stockholm. A recent graduate of the Royal College of Art’s Design Products MA, Alvarez originally studied fine art and cabinetmaking before completing an Interior Architecture and Furniture Design course at Konstfack, the University College of Arts, Craft and Design in Stockholm. Alvarez’s work focuses on the design of systems and the creation of tools and processes for producing products. Alvarez work has been exhibited internationally, including at MUDAC, the Design Museum and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London.
source: designboom
anton alvarez is the designer behind a series of thread-wrapped furniture, which utilized a specific device that he developed as a mechanical medium. he is the creator of the thread wrapping machine, a mechanism which joins different types of material with glue-coated thread, binding the objects together without any nails or screws. alvarez takes pieces of material — wood, steel or plastic — and coats them in glue, then spins them in thousands of meters of thread. as alvarez controlls the mechanism by a foot pedal, the sticky parts are passed through the wrapping machine as it cycles around. while this process is taking place, additional components are added to create the legs of a chair or seat backs.
the artist uses a variety of colors and styles of thread, ultimately creating different decorative patterns for the final objects. the style, which he calls the craft of thread wrapping, is a new way of making that has spawned from alvarez’ background in cabinetmaking and research in process-based design. he has created hundreds of pieces of furniture — stools, benches, chairs, lamps, and interlocking structures — using the thread wrapping machine. his work has been presented at design miami/basel 2013 by gallery libby sellers. alvarez will be part of the sixth edition of IN residence, a thematic workshop that seeks to contribute to contemporary debate about design, from october 9th – 12th 2013.