que le cheval vive en moi
source: blogtechartgroup
法國藝術團體Art Orienté objet長期關注人類和自然界的互動行為,以科學的手法進行物種研究。照片中的藝術家就曾裝上貓的後肢,長頸鹿的脖子,近距離觀察動物,並試圖和動物們進行交流。
展出的是這次行動藝術的紀錄片。而我認為有趣的部分是作品標示牌上寫的,幾個月後藝術家身上開始產生馬匹具有的高度敏感與緊張,並且明顯感受到了體內中的外來力量左右自己。 可惜,後續並無多做描述。因此,像我這樣的外行人不免懷疑這個作品除了聳動,是否真的能引發人類對生物現象的關心或對於物種研究能否有深入的貢獻。
source: dominiquecorpelet-psychanalyste
Au XXIe siècle avec le concours des biotechnologies, l’artiste peut désormais appréhender le réel non plus à travers une œuvre qui lui serait extérieure, mais dans son corps même, sans le secours d’aucune médiation. Son corps, lieu de toutes les expérimentations, fait œuvre.
Marion Laval-Jeantet nous le montre. En février 2011, elle réalise une performance inédite : « Que le cheval vive en moi ». Devant public, elle se fait transfuser du sang de cheval. Puis ce sang ainsi mélangé est prélevé et lyophilisé, à partir duquel une collection de huit reliquaires est réalisée. La rencontre du sang des deux espèces a produit un objet d’art : le sang de centaure. La barrière entre les espèces a été levée, levé le noli tangere et abolies les catégories de la nature.
Marion Laval-Jeantet s’inscrit dans un courant à la frange entre art, sciences du vivant et technosciences, dans la suite du body art où des artistes comme Orlan convoquaient déjà les sciences et techniques. Le bio-art deviendra-t-il la forme de l’art au XXIe siècle ? Le réel y est montré et présenté, sans les semblants, et l’artiste se voue à l’incarner. Sa chair se fait le témoin du désordre introduit par les biotechnologies.
source: diarioinsano
Art Orienté objet, um duo artístico francês, composto por Marion Laval-Jantet e Benoît Mangin, são conhecidos por sua exploração de relações entre espécies e pelo questionamento de ferramentas e métodos científicos e se tornaram o palco de uma experiência chocante – a injeção em um ser humano de plasma de cavalo.
Em fevereiro, para este último projeto, intitulado “Que le cheval vive en moi” (O cavalo que vive em mim), Marion se injetou sangue de cavalo com imunoglobulinas, adquirindo tolerância progressiva a estes corpos animais estrangeiros. Em seguida, injetou o sangue do cavalo com plasma contendo todo o espectro de imunoglobulinas estrangeiros, sem cair em choque anafilático.
Após a transfusão de sangue, Marion ficou sobre palafitas semelhantes às patas de cavalo e realizou um ritual de comunicação com um cavalo real, antes, uma amostra de seu sangue foi extraído e liofilizado.
Esta síntese afetou suas funções corporais e até mesmo o sistema nervoso durante semanas depois de ter sido injetado. A artista recorda: “Eu tinha a sensação de ser extra-humana. Eu não estava no meu corpo usual. Eu estava hiper-poderosa, hiper-sensível, hiper-nervosa e muito tímida. O emocionalismo de um herbívoro. Eu não conseguia dormir. Eu provavelmente me senti um pouco como um cavalo”.
“O cavalo que vive em mim” foi uma experiência radical cujos efeitos a longo prazo não pode ser calculado. Representa uma continuação do mito centauro, esse híbrido de cavalo-humano que simboliza a antítese do cavaleiro. O projeto está sendo apresentado em uma mostra de arte, no Casino de Luxemburgo, em Luxemburgo.
source: designboom
miha fras ‘que le cheval vive en moi’ (may the horse live in me) by art orienté objet (marion laval-jeantet & benoît mangin) is a medical self-experiment / performance where the artist marion laval-jeantet allowed herself to be injected with horse blood plasma containing the entire spectrum of foreign immunoglobulins (following several months of precautions to build up her immune system). after the transfusion, the artist performed a communication ritual with a horse while wearing prosthetic horse-like stilts before her hybrid blood was extracted and freeze-dried.
immunoglobulins are biochemical messengers that control, for example, the glands and organs of the endocrine system, which is also closely tied to the nervous system, so that the artist, during and in the weeks after the performance, experienced alterations in her physiological rhythm and her consciousness, which were characterized by heightened sensibility and nervousness.
‘I had the feeling of being extra-human, I was not in my usual body. I was hyper-powerful, hyper-sensitive, hyper-nervous and very diffident. the emotionalism of an herbivore. I could not sleep. I probably felt a bit like a horse.’
source: artandsciencemeetingpl
Art Orienté Objet (Marion Laval-Jeantet and Benoît Mangin) is a French artistic duo awarded the Golden Nica at this year’s Ars Electronica in the Hybrid Art category for their eccentric and stereotype-breaking perception of limits of experiments on the human body in their work entitled May the Horse Live in me.
The artists, who have been creating since 1991, operate in the interdisciplinary space, linking together different areas of art (mainly body art), scientific research in the field of ethology, immunology, ecology and broadly perceived experimentation. Their works are very often a result of the artists’ protest against the system of standards and management towards the world of animals which had been imposed by men. Such is the case of the award winning work. To become a body for an animal, a “storage” of a selected species, to become a man-horse, a man-panda, is an idea which resulted from a protest against the absurd – according to the artists – principle setting rules for making a list of endangered species which are subject to protection. May the Horse Live in me is an experimental performance which took place in Ljubljana in 2010 and which was about transfusing horse blood to Marion’s body. The artists themselves will tell you what this idea stands for and what consequences an experiment like that may bring about.