

Solar Pink Pong
file festival

Assocreation   Solar Pink Pong

source: fileorgbr
“Solar Pink Pong” é um híbrido de vídeo game e brincadeira de rua. Os jogadores podem interagir com a animação de um reflexo de luz solar rosa na rua, usando seus corpos e sombras. O dispositivo que torna esse jogo possível pode ser montado em postes ou na lateral de prédios. É uma instalação autônoma, sem necessidade de rede. “Solar Pink Pong” visa expandir as fronteiras da cultura do videogame e da tecnologia para fora da sala de estar, mudando a maneira como os humanos interagem com o ambiente externo e veem a luz do sol através das lentes da tecnologia.
Este projeto foi possível com o apoio da Stamps School of Art & Design da Universidade de Michigan.
Assocreation, fundado em 1997, é um coletivo de artistas com base em Viena (Áustria) e em Ann Arbor, Michigan (EUA). Seus membros trabalham de forma anônima em uma ampla variedade de instalações interativas e intervenções urbanas – muitas vezes manipulando o chão onde o público caminha, como é o caso da premiada instalação “bump” (Prix Ars Electronica Distinction 2001): composto por duas calçadas em cidades diferentes, que fisicamente conectam pedestres de dois lugares públicos diferentes em tempo real.
source: fileorgbr
“Solar Pink Pong” is a hybrid of street and video game. Players of this game can interact with an animated pink sunlight reflection on the street using their bodies and shadows. The device that makes this game possible can be mounted on utility poles or building sides. It works autonomously and completely off the grid. “Solar Pink Pong” aims at pushing the boundaries of video game culture and technology outside of the living room changing the way humans interact with outdoor environments and see daylight through the lens of technology.
This project was made possible with the support of the Stamps School of Art & Design at the University of Michigan.
Assocreation, founded in 1997, is an artist collective based in Vienna (Austria) and Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). Its members work anonymously on a wide range of interactive installations and urban interventions – often manipulating the ground the public walks on such as with the award winning installation “bump” (Prix Ars Electronica Distinction 2001): a set of two sidewalks tangibly connecting pedestrians at two distant public spaces in real time.
source: assocreation
Founded in 1997, Assocreation is an artist collective based in Vienna (Austria) and Ann Arbor, Michigan (USA). Its members work anonymously on a wide range of interactive installations and urban interventions – often manipulating the ground the public walks on such as with the award winning art installation ‘bump’ (Prix Ars Electronica Distinction 2001): a set of two interactive sidewalks tangibly connecting pedestrians at two distant public spaces in real time.

The collective has presented among others at the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz (Austria), LABoral Centro de Arte y Creación Industral in Gijón (Spain), Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (Poland), CENTRALE for contemporary art in Bruxelles (Belgium), Katmandu International Art Festival (Nepal), Bienal de Valencia (Spain), Istanbul 2010 – European Capital of Culture (Turkey), as well as in the streets of New York, Detroit, Zurich, Copenhagen and Paris.

“Assocreation deals with networks and their transitions to tangible realities. One of their materials is the ground under our feet, which it manipulates and networks in order to make it palpable.” Friedrich Achleitner