
Aurora Reinhard

High Rider

Aurora Reinhard: High Rider (kulta), 2009-2012, hartsi, tyhjiö metallointi, 24 x 12,5 x 3 cm

source: av-arkkifi

Aurora Reinhard (born 1975) is a visual artist from Finland. She deals with issues of gender and how the male and female identities are constructed and represented in the society. She uses both photography and video as means of expressing herself. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki in 2003 with a MFA degree. She has also studied in the University of Gothenburg, Department of Photography and in the International Center for Photography in New York.
source: aurorareinhard

Aurora Reinhard (b. 1975, lives and works in Helsinki) works with video, photography and multidimensional, hyper realistic objects fetishizing the everyday. Reinhard holds MFA from the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki. Her works are internationally exhibited and renowned, including exhibitions at the Shedhalle, Zürich; Fridericianum, Kassel; Ludwig Museum, Cologne and Platform Garanti, Istanbul. Her experimental documentary Boygirl (2002) won the International media art award from ZKM Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, Germany.
source: blogitomaaikalehtifi

Aurora Reinhardt tarkastelee teoksissaan identiteettiä, naiseutta ja sen kliseitä välineinään videot ja taidokkaat veistokset, joissa normaalin ja oudon rajaa hämärtävät fetissit, fantasiat ja illuusiot.