
Bianca Chong

Unisex eyewear

Bianca Chong

Bianca Chong, former ITS finalist, was challenged to conceive futuristic jewelry capable of measuring data like time, vital signs and more from the wearer’s surroundings. An artistic speculation based on the idea of wearable technology.
This conceptual project was developed working side by side with Eurotech a company from the region working internationally on Artificial Intelligence at the highest level. Present-day available technology will represent the jumpstart to imagine an open future where these technological barriers will have disappeared. Eurotech supported the ITS finalist offering its immense scientific and technological know-how as well as its visions. Prototypes were developed with the support of Eurotech and of other companies in Friuli Venezia Giulia operating at the technological forefront. The prototypes were displayed in a dedicated corner at ITS 2016 with a thorough description of the development process.
Bianca Chong jugaba con su padre a dibujar “fashion sketches” cuando era niña. El juego consistía en crear un look completo. Luego, su madre, juez del concurso, decidía cuál era el mejor y, obviamente, Bianca siempre salía ganadora. Más tarde, decidió cursar moda y eligió los fashion artefacts como forma de expresión.

Recién graduada por la London College of Fashion, ha creado dos colecciones: Revolving Tetrahedron y Re-Articulation. En ambas, la geometría y las formas “aparentemente” simples, crean objetos de una belleza misteriosa, original, sorprendente. En el caso de la última colección, además, incluye piezas mecánicas articulables a objetos que, normalmente, no las llevan. Hasta ahora.