



source: csismn

I – Input, P – Process, O – Output, cle – Cycle
IPOcle is an installation simulating the way we perceive the reality that exist in our physical world and the various layers, variables, cycles that are present in this process of perceiving. With the senses that we have, we can perceive only a limited portion of the physical reality that surrounds us. This perceived physicality keeps altering as it goes through many layers and processes (biological and psychological)
in our brains. These perceptions draw our perceptual schemas and these schemas in turn shape the reality we perceive. Our perceptions and what we perceive, therefore, constantly reshape call each other into being, as in a vicious cycle. At this point, how can we define what reality really is, what constant can we refer to, and aren’t we supposed to look at this issue in a more holistic and intertwined manner?

The IPOCle is made of a strong light source, lenses, a convex mirror, a fog machine and a sound system; installed inside a dark container. The light source is located so that the goes through the lenses, hung one after another. The refracted light reaches the mirror. The convex mirror transforms the light and reflects it back. The fog machine keeps running to make the dispersed light visible for us; while a base frequency keeps running in the background.

The light and the light source describe physical reality and input
The lenses: The process and various factors of perception
The mirror: What is perceived, the output and the cycle.
source: junk-culture

“IPOcle” by Istanbul-based artist Candaş Şişman is an installation simulating the way we perceive the reality that exist in our physical world and the various layers, variables, cycles that are present in this process of perceiving. Situated within a dark shipping container, the installation is made of a strong light source which is filtered through a series of lenses, hung one after another. The refracted light reaches a convex mirror and is reflected back into the space . A fog machine keeps running to make the dispersed light visible to the viewer.
source: lightecture

IPOcle es una instalación situada en los confines de un contenedor en desuso que simula la forma en que percibimos la realidad que existe en nuestro mundo físico y las diversas capas, variables y ciclos que están presentes en este proceso de percibir. Candaş Şişman (1985, İzmir) basa su trabajo en una potente fuente de luz, un espejo convexo, lenes, una máquina para generar humo y un sistema de sonido, todo ello instalado en el oscuro interior de un contenedor de carga.

Una realidad deformada que nos permite únicamente ser conscientes de una parte limitada de la verdadera realidad que nos rodea.

El haz de luz se dispone de modo que pasa a través de las lentes, atravesándolas una tras otra. La luz refractada alcanza el espejo. Un espejo convexo la transforma y refleja de vuelta en sentido inverso. Una máquina genera humo para que la luz dispersa se haga visible al ojo humano, mientras una frecuencia base sigue funcionando en segundo plano.

A través de nuestros sentidos sólo podemos percibir una limitada porción de la realidad física que nos rodea. Esta parte se mantiene y altera a medida que avanza a través de las muchas capas y procesos que se reproducen en nuestro cerebro, tanto biológicos como psicológicos.

Si todas estas percepciones se basan en nuestros esquemas de percepción y ellos se convierten en nuestra realidad, constantemente remodelamos y llamamos a los demás como en un círculo vicioso. Es en este punto que surgen las preguntas. ¿Podemos definir lo que significa la realidad? A ella hacemos referencia constantemente y a nosotros nos corresponde examinar esta cuestión de una manera más integral e integradora.
source: fubiznet

L’artiste Candas Sisman produit un espace magnifiquement illuminé qui semble être un autre monde. L’installation est réalisée dans un conteneur où sont suspendues plusieurs sources lumineuses fortes, un miroir convexe, une machine à brouillard, et un système de son qui donnent place à une expérience hors du commun.
source: ddarcart

Il giovane artista turco Candaş Şişman, ha ideato IPOcle, un’installazione che simula il modo in cui percepiamo la realtà esistente nel nostro mondo fisico, i vari strati, le variabili e i cicli che sono presenti in questo processo di percezione. Con i sensi, possiamo percepire solo un numero limitato di porzione della realtà fisica che ci circonda. Questa fisicità viene percepita alterata, in quanto passa attraverso molti strati e processi (biologico e psicologico) nel nostro cervello. Le percezioni disegnano i nostri schemi percettivi e gli schemi formano la realtà che percepiamo. A questo punto, come possiamo definire ciò che la realtà è realmente? A quale costante possiamo fare riferimento? Sarebbe necessario pensare questo problema in modo più olistico e intrecciato?

I – Input, P – Process, O – Output, cle – Cycle
IPOcle è costituito da una forte sorgente di luce, lenti, uno specchio convesso, una macchina che produce nebbia e un sistema audio, il tutto installato all’interno di un contenitore scuro. La sorgente luminosa attraversa le lenti appese una dopo l’altra. La luce rifratta raggiunge lo specchio. Lo specchio convesso trasforma la luce e la riflette indietro. La macchina del fumo rende la luce dispersa visibile per noi, mentre un suono a frequenza continua è trasmessa in sottofondo. La luce e la sorgente luminosa descrivono la realtà fisica e l’ingresso; le lenti, il processo e i vari fattori di percezione; lo specchio, ciò che viene percepito, l’uscita e il ciclo.
source: japontimeslivedoorbiz

この作品は、イスタンブールベースのアーティストcandaş şişman氏が制作した「I/P/O-cle」。使われなくなったコンテナの中に制作したレンズと光を使った作品です。「I/P/O-cle」の意味は、I(入力)、P(プロセス)、O(出力)、CLE(サイクル)といった物が含まれており、コンテナに開けられた穴から入る光を等間隔で並べられたレンズを抜け、最終到達地点のミラーに反射してまた逆の道をたどり光源の穴に戻るといった工程が作り出す光のアートです。

source: d2ziran

source: csismn

Candaş Şişman(1985, İzmir) studied fine arts in İzmir Anadolu High School for Fine Arts and graduated from the Animations Department of Eskişehir Anadolu University in 2009. He spent his one year of college receiving multimedia design training in Holland (2006-2007) With Deniz Kader, in 2011, he founded “NOHlab”, a project which generates collective projects in arts and design.

Candaş Şişman aims to manipulate our notion of time, space and motion by his work, using digital and mechanical technologies. Taking the sciences of nature and universe as his reference point, the artist combines physical forms with images that are produced digitally. Thus a bridge becomes visible, between the physical world and the digital world. The works of Şişman stand on a complex base, but the forms are simple, allowing the audience to engage in intellectual interaction with the artwork; in which “process” is the structural element of utmost importance.

Candaş Şişman has received several awards since 2007, among which are an Honorary Mention from Prix ARS Electronica Computer Animation/Film/VFX and Best Prize in Sound Design from Roma Viedram Video Festival. He has participated in many exhibition and festival, such as Venice Architecture Biennale, TED X, ARS Electronica, Todaysart Festival and FILE Festival. Candaş Şişman recently realized Sonicfield-01 Sound Installation in Venice Architecture Biennale and ‘FLUX’ audiovisual installation among İlhan Koman Hulda festival in İstanbul. The artist is living and working in İstanbul, represented by PG Art gallery in Turkey.