



source: thisispaper

“Charlotte Kingsnorth’s Hybreed collection continues to evolve from the mixture of vintage furniture frames and fleshy biomorphic forms. Chair frames are either hand selected by the designer or privately donated. A mixture of instinct and the character of the frame informs the designer when shaping the cushioning that makes up its body. The chairs are hand sculpted and stitched at her London studio. Every chair in the collection is one of a kind.”
source: fromthemesstothemass

La diseñadora industrial Charlotte Kingsnorth con base en Londres, ha creado estas originales y maravillosas sillas pertenecientes a su colección “Hybreed”. En ellas, Kingsnorth juega con la mezcla de texturas y estructuras, ya que en una misma pieza, combina toques clásicos con otros mucho más arriesgados, obteniendo un resultado perfectamente equilibrado. Todas las sillas han sido esculpidas a mano y cosidas en el estudio de la diseñadora. Unas autenticas obras de arte que os animamos a que descubráis.
source: artnau

A esta colección de sillas de Charlotte Kingsnorth parece que las hayan atacado/manchado/afectado una mullidita masa biomórfica muy estilosa, con su tapizado capitoné (¡chester power!), que se ha quedado colgando de una manera irregular, aportando un rollo muy orgánico que a la vez le da una funcionalidad de cojín como mínimo original.
source: catesthill

London-based designer Charlotte Kingsnorth has upcycled a series of vintage and reclaimed chairs with fleshy biomorphic forms in different fabrics including velvet. Chair frames are either picked up by Kingsnorth or donated to the designer. The chairs are hand sculpted and stitched at her London studio, each one unique and informed by a mixture of instinct and the form of the chair frame. The cushioned additions remind me of the bulbous forms of Louise Bourgeois’s flesh-like sculptures.
source: furnitureandwoodshavings

Charlotte Kingsnorth’s chairs explore bodies, sexuality and furniture. Upholstered fleshy forms are draped over austere wooden chairs like someone has left a bit of themselves behind, still sitting almost like you could divide yourself into the bit that wanted or needed to get up and get things done, and the bit that wanted to just relax and stay seated or reclined. “I am interested in imperfection as a human trait and how it can actually increase rather than decrease the value of a product.”

Charlotte Kingsnorth graduated from Buckinghamshire University in 2009 with a BA (Hons) in Contemporary Furniture and Product Design, however her work is extremely conceptual, often sculptural or like installation pieces and they certainly question our interaction with furniture.
source: charlottekingsnorth

Born and raised in London 1985, Charlotte Kingsnorth is an industrial designer with an artist’s vision, melding together the practical and the sculptural. She uses her designs to narrate the world as she sees it, conjuring up thought provoking ideas which push accepted values and boundaries. Her work demonstrates her preoccupation in materiality and biomorphic forms.

Charlotte trained at Buckinghamshire University in the class of 2006 Contemporary Furniture and Product Design. In 2012 she graduated from the Royal College of Art, where she studied Design Products under Tord Boontje. Since graduating her work has been widely acclaimed, published and exhibited internationally.

Charlotte Kingsnorth Studio is based in Maida Vale, London.