
Chris Timms

Sensual Objects

Chris Timms  Sensual Objects

source: triangulation

While ago I published one GIF by Chris Timms I found on tumblr, this one. I was mesmerized about the flow, colors and forms. Then I started to follow his work through his tumblr called sensualobjects.tumblr.com where he only publish work made by him, it is a world full of organic objects who live and move according to the rhythm of the internet.
One week ago Chris has just launched a new visual work, a 01.55 min video piece which follows the same aesthetics of that previously named GIF. See more;

Chris Timms tells us more about this piece_
“I was experimenting making these quite sexualised and stylised gif’s, and the ones that stood out for me always had this kind of submerged sensual quality, beyond the intented aesthetic ascribed to their surface. Practically, Tumblr’s size restrictions quickly pushed me on to make a video, but I became really interested in the way video is still the primary form of distribution for trailers or introductions to bigger projects, in that they are the primary (and often only) encounter with the work. So I worked somewhat backwards, presenting this as a completely self-contained promo.”
source: cermade

Chris Timms creates his very own world with hyper-colorful objects and landscapes reminding us of an imaginative hideaway beyond everyday consciousness. Aiming to create ‘Sensual Objects’ he hints to a new form of existence exceeding the boundaries of our environment and reception.
source: quotethefuture

Chris Timms examines contemporary art by use of purely artificial imagery and creates soft and sensual objects. His ongoing project: Sensual Objects is made of synthetic geographical forms, where relations and changes of shapes, patterns, colors, geometries and motions become the narrative and the protagonists.