
christiane hoegner

Кристиан Хонер

Cushionized Sofa

christiane hoegner Cushionized Sofa

source: verzameldwerkbe

Christiane Hoegner is a Brussels based designer, who was born in 1974 in Tübingen/ Germany. She graduated in 2003 from the Academy of fine arts in Munich, after finishing her first
year in fine art and following classes in interior architecture. In 2002 she was asked to join the Siemens Designlab, where she created a personal vision on future ways of communication.
Since 2003 she has worked internationally as a freelance designer for clients such as the Kunsthalle Bern, Kunsthalle Lophem in Bruges, the team of the Flemish Government Architect in Brussels, Intégral Ruedi Baur Paris and private clients.
Besides that she has developed her own visual and tactile world, constantly shifting back and forth between 2-d and 3-d, creating graphics as well as objects, furniture and spaces.
source: cantstyle

The Christiane Hoegner Cushionized Sofa is an inventive interior that is quickly becoming popular amongst young urbanites. The concept for the Cushionized Sofa is easily dismissed as obvious; however, Christiane Hoegner remains to be seen as the first designer to successfully pull it off. The Christiane Hoegner Cushionized Sofa is a seating arrangement made out of fifty individual cushions. The piece looks and feels sinfully comfortable, making for a perfect piece for napping, sleeping, or vegging-out.
source: popsugar

Christiane Hoegner’s Cushionized Sofa uses the smallest element of a sofa — the little pillow on top — as its main component, which is multiplied and piled up to create a cloud-like sofa shape.
source: iamatterswordpress

LoFi-Studio is a transdisciplinary design practice based in Brussels. Established by German product designer and interior architect Christiane Högner, it is a platform for projects ranging from objects and furniture to installations, as well as concept development, strategy, and graphic design.

“Lofi” or low-fidelity refers to the music genre, which uses an aesthetic that deliberately embraces little defects as a unique quality, in contrast to the increasing level of technology that is at hand. In this approach, Lofi Studio pursues an honest, no nonsense aesthetic, striving for authenticity and a high level of tactility. Using existing objects, combining new and old materials, and transforming known archetypes, Lofi Studio’s work is devoted to the familiar environment of everyday life.
source: dornob

Floor pillows are not an incredible innovation … and stacks of cushions do not represent any new and sublime style. So why does this combination cushion-couch and sofa-sleeper seem so neat and yet fit so comfortably with our ideal of a cozy sofa to curl up and take a nap in? It is somehow simple yet colorful and supremely inviting.

The idea is almost too obvious – yet not obvious enough that we see these for sale at Ikea or making their way into hip urban neighborhoods. We already all have pillows, cushions and other modular and mobile padding we move around the home. This design just takes that concept and multiplies it into an entire sofa. Comprised of fifty individual soft and comfortable (white or colored) cushions, this flexible furniture object is also easily converted into much softer sleeping space than a futon.

In a way, it almost looks like a stack of sandbags … oh wait, designer Christian Hoegner tried that too. Maybe not quite as cushioned as the couch equivalent, it nonetheless would make for a nice way to stay off the sand while sitting at the beach. Another cushion-inspired design: a pillow (nicknamed ‘dad’) made out of a button-down men’s shirt.
source: internumru

На FuoriSalone в Милане немецкий дизайнер Кристиан Хонер представила Cushionized sofa – диван, целиком состоящий из диванных подушек.
разборный диван из подушек
Cushionized sofa — это скрепленные между собой подушки из ткани, уложенные рядами на черный металлический каркас. Диван понравится часто переезжающим людям — в разобранном виде он не занимает много места, да и особо бережного обращения не требует.
За основу для создания мягкой мебели взят не самый значительный её элемент — обычно диванные подушки дарят дополнительный комфорт и радуют глаз, но главной роли в гостиной они не играют. Кристиан Хонер (Christiane Högner) гиперболизировала эту идею и придумала необычные удобные подушкодиваны, которые будут притягивать все внимание к себе.