

Кристоф Коппенс
Deer Cape

source: christophecoppens

Christophe Coppens is a Belgian artist, living and working in Los Angeles. Trained initially as a theater director, Coppens started his own label as an accessories designer at the age of 21, a career that would span over 20 years with several outlets, international press following and buyers the world over, and that he would combine and nurture with his first stunts and solo shows as an artist. CC created his first experimental hat collection in 1990 which was picked up from the start by international buyers and press. Through the years his activities extended to complete accessories collections for men and women and opening outlets in Antwerp, Bruges and Brussels. He would also present his collections twice a year during Paris and Japan Fashion Week. Alongside he worked on collaborations for the fashion shows of international renowned designers making hats for the likes of Issey Miyake, Guy Laroche, JuunJ and Manish Arora, and he created one of a kind presentations for high-end world class retailers Charivay (NYC), Frank et Fils (Paris) and Joyce (Hong Kong and Paris), among others. In Japan he found distribution and representation in
fashion group HP France , a collaboration that would last for more than 15 years. In addition Coppens has made accessories for pop stars such as Rihanna, Grace Jones, Scissor Sisters and Beth Ditto, and he has worked most closely with Roïsin Murphy, particularly on all the costumes worn by the performer during her 2008/09 ‘Overpowered’ world tour. CC presented his first couture accessories collection in 2006 during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week, displaying spectacular theatrical skills and the surreal undertone that has become his signature style since the early beginnings. That same year HP France opened his first shop in Tokyo, and he presented his couture collection during Japan Fashion Week. In 2010 he was named Royal Warrant Holder in Belgium, recognition that came after more than 15 years making accessories for the Belgian Royal Family. At then end of 2011, to celebrate his 20 career anniversary as a milliner and artist, Coppens opened an exhibition to show and auction some of his most outstanding couture pieces and artworks, hosted by Pierre Berge & Associates in Brussels. In early 2012, following this event, he launched a retrospective book ‘Homework’ encompassing these pieces and other highlights of his career. The book was listed among the New York Times’ ‘Summer’s 2012 must-reads’’. But 2012 would also mark a very important episode in his career, when, after 21 years of making work on the edge of art and fashion Coppens decided to close his company to focus exclusively on his work as an artist. At this point his label was sold in 140 shops worldwide, his name was heard among fashion connoisseurs and he had
become arguably one of the most celebrated milliners in Japan. Coppens expressed his view on this transition in the exhibition “Everything Is Local: Landscape 1” at the prestigious Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam. The show is a journey through the first six months following this violent break, how to deal with loss, letting go of the past and looking at the future.Today CC lives in Los Angeles and is working towards his next solo show ‘Landscape II’ opening in Tokyo in October 2013.
source: elfashionistanet

Christophe Coppens nació en Bélgica en 1969. Inicialmente tuvo una formación en teatro como director y actor. Rápidamente entendió que lo que mas le gustaba del teatro eran los sombreros y las prendas, por lo que saltar al couture fué solo una cuestión de tiempo. A partir de allí, comenzó a hacer sombreros para Yohji Yamamoto y Guy Laroche. Ha hecho sombreros para la realeza belga. Ha hecho exposiciones y performances. Flirtea con la moda, el teatro y las artes visuales. Actualmente la cantante Roisin Murphy encantada con su trabajo, está haciendo al diseñador un poco mas famoso.
source: fashionjpnet

ヨーロッパを代表するクリエーターの一人、Christophe Coppens(クリストフ・コパン)の個展「THE HILLS ARE ALIVE : LANDSCAPE 2」が、青参道アートフェアの一環として10月24日(木)から開催!王室御用達帽子デザイナーを務めた後、自身の名を冠したブランドで20年以上にわたりデザイナーとしてのキャリアを成功させてきたChristophe Coppens。昨年、そのデザイナーとしてのキャリアに終止符を打ち、アーティストとしての活動をスタートさせました。オランダ・ロッテルダムのボイマンス・ヴァン・ベーニンゲ美術館で開催されたデビュー展「Everything is Local : Landscape1」では、個性豊かな「Mountain(山)」を発表し、好評を得ました。今回の展示では、より独創的な表現を見せるアーティストとしての彼の作品と、関連するプロダクトを展示販売。プロダクトは、彼と関わりの深いアッシュ・ペー・フランスがディレクションし、日本で生産、「MADE IN JAPAN BY Christophe Coppens」として展開。コレクターズトイを手掛ける原型師によるソフトビニールトイや、素材からこだわったトートバッグ、日本のデジタルプリントを生かしたスカーフなどのオリジナルアイテムが揃います。また、Christophe Coppens自身も開催に合わせて来日し、会期初日には、レセプションパーティも行われる予定なので、ぜひ足を運んでみて。
source: dwde

Christophe Coppens, que vive na Bélgica e é conhecido por seu vanguardismo em chapéus de alta costura, apresenta uma capa em forma de corça, em padrão xadrez preto e branco.
source: weekendlevifbe
Car Christophe Coppens a beau avoir gardé cet air de petit garçon sage qu’il devait avoir quand il était petit et qu’il jouait dans son grenier à reconstruire son monde à lui, avec enluminures, décors de fou et chapeaux de princesses, ne vous y fiez pas. Il cauchemarde parfois éveillé. Il en résulte des œuvres, d’artiste ou de modiste, qui portent les traces de ses vertigineuses obsessions.

Tout cela pour dire que l’homme qui vient de fêter les 20 ans de sa maison, qui expose ses toiles sous un nom d’emprunt, qui déménage son atelier de chapelier début janvier prochain et s’installe près de la place du Jeu de Balle, à Bruxelles, qui crée des bibis jamais vus pour Roisin Murphy ou Issey Miyake et qui blogue en secret sur la beauté d’être jardinier, bref, cet homme-là, aux multiples talents, se retrouve en version livresque, édité par Lido, le temps d’un arrêt sur images et d’une réflexion puissante sur la vie, la mort, l’amour. Avec Christophe Coppens, rien n’est jamais vain.