


source: cockyeek

The workshop Whirly Wind engaged students in a tangible experience of wind and air that moved trough and around Fremantle. Working with the potential and the significance of these media, resulted in works that opened the viewers eyes to that wich is often intangible.

Whirly Winds: department Architecture, Interior Architecture and Fashion. Curtin University of Technologie – Perth – Australie.

Eek has been guestteacher at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (NL), Konstfack, University College of Arts and Design in Stockholm (SE) and at the Art Academy of Poznan (PL). Gave master-classes for the ‘MA European Fashion & Textile Design’, taking place in Paris, Utrecht, Bruxelles and Southampton and at the class ‘Finding Form’ in collaboration with Maria Blaisse at the International Summer Academy of fine Arts in Salzburg (AT).
source: sorryzorrito
Cocky Eek es difícil de describir. Su trabajo tiene que ver más con la exploración de un fenómeno más que cualquier otra cosa. Ella investiga la mecánica y la estética de los neumáticos como una estrategia para crear algo de otro mundo. Su interés en las composiciones livianas sugiere algo que usualmente vuela o flota. Sus investigaciones de lo que ella llama, ‘pneumatology’, son el estudio del estado de ser ligero.
En esencia, su trabajo trata de empujar los limites de una tectónica (más bien la falta de ella) que ha sido olvidada y destinada para situaciones de corto plazo. Sus investigaciones están catalogadas entre tipos de inflables, el lenguaje arquitectónico, consideraciones en diseño y otras referencias de diseño inflable. Más allá de su investigación están sus experimentos que son memorables como instancias de un mundo futurístico. Estas investigaciones inherentemente cuestionan la naturaleza pre-establecida de la ‘arquitectura’. Eek trata estas estructuras dependientes del viento y aire como criaturas que viven y mueren. Su trabajo niega la posibilidad de materialidad y tectónica a cambio de una arquitectura que se enfoca en la creación de espacio dinámico hecho de una membrana. En muchas instancias la membrana es una extensión del cuerpo que le aporta cualidades ligeras que el cuerpo humano no posee. Ella actualmente trabaja y vive en Amsterdam. También ha enseñado cursos en Curtin Univeristy of Technology en Perth, Australia y en el Royal Academy de La Haya en los departamentos de moda, arquitectura y diseño de interiores.
source: cockyeek
Cocky Eek
studied Fashion Design at the Utrecht School of the Arts 1989-1993 and graduated with a final collection ‘Fashion is So Ugly You Have to Change it Every Half Year’ [MA]. Her wearable collections are amongst presented at Le Salon des Jeunes Stylistes – Hyeres and Moda Mas – Amsterdam. She has been a guest teacher at the Utrecht School of the Arts, Konstfack University College of Arts and Design – Stockholm 1994-2004. She collaborated with designer Maria Blaisse investigating form and material in relation to the moving body, resulting in the Kuma Guna series for dance/performance 1999-2002. Together they gave Finding Form master-classes at MA European Fashion & Textile Design taking place in Paris – Utrecht – Bruxelles – Southampton, The International Summer Academy of Fine Arts – Salzburg 2000, and Curtin University of Technology – Perth /Australia 2009. Since 2001, Cocky Eek is an active member of FoAM (Bruxelles) where in close relation with scientists, technicians and mediadesigners she did the spatial designs for responsive environments as: Tgarden presented at V2 -Rotterdam and Ars Electronica Festival – Linz 2001, TxOom shown in Greath Yarmouth – UK 2002, and TRG presented at Maribor- Slovenia 2005.
Since the millennium her work has been mainly revolving around lightweight spatial compositions and her favorite media are wind and air. This resulted in floating or flying experiments or large, voluminous pneumatic forms constructed to capture air. She creates environments that translate this material into a tangible experience of form and volume. Her human-kite performances together with Patrick de Koning were shown at various festivals along coastal lines, such as the Oerol Festival – NL, The International Kite Festival –Weifang/China 2004 and Birdmanshow – Changsa/China 2007. Since 2005 she co-directs FoAM (Amsterdam) whose main focus in the last years has been the topic of human-plant inter-relationships. Since 2009 she is heading the Tactile Research Lab at the ArtScience Interfaculty of the Royal Conservatory and the Royal Academy in The Hague. Recently she received Ars Electronica Honorary Mention.
source: flaviotenguan
Artista plástica holandesa que vive atualmente em Amsterdã, produz formas orgânicas que são uma perfeita combinação entre escultura, MODA e performance artística. Tem como linguagem a utilização de um padrão de estruturas infláveis que interagem com o espaço, são inspirações visuais que questionam a beleza efêmera a partir de formas puramente infladas por ventos locais; são criações sem começo e sem fim, espaços a partir de outros espaços, experiências concretas da íntima relação do ar, do vento e do espaço. Nas palavras de Cocky Eek: “No espaço, o homem é pequeno. Na célula, espaço-homem é tudo”.