


Pendulum Choir


source: highlike

Work: Pendulum Choir is an original choral piece for 9 A Cappella voices and 18 hydraulic jacks. The choir stands on tilting platforms, constituting a living, sonorous body. That body expresses itself through various physical states. Its plasticity varies at the mercy of its sonority. It varies between abstract sounds, repetitive sounds, and lyrical or narrative sounds. The bodies of the singers and their voices play with and against gravity. They brush and avoid each other creating subtle vocal polyphonies. Or, supported by electronic sounds, they break their cohesion and burst into lyrical flight or fold up into an obsessional and dark ritual. The organ travels from life to death in a robotic allegory where the technological complexity and the lyricism of the moving bodies combine into a work with Promethean accents. Conception, construction and musical composition: Cod.Act (Michel Décosterd and André Décosterd) Interpretation: Jeune Opéra Compagnie – Les voix
Photographer: Xavier Voirol
source: codact

Pendulum Choir is an original choral piece for 9 A Cappella voices and 18 hydraulic jacks. The choir stands on tilting platforms, constituting a living, sonorous body. That body expresses itself through various physical states. Its plasticity varies at the mercy of its sonority. It varies between abstract sounds, repetitive sounds, and lyrical or narrative sounds. The bodies of the singers and their voices play with and against gravity. They brush and avoid each other creating subtle vocal polyphonies. Or, supported by electronic sounds, they break their cohesion and burst into lyrical flight or fold up into an obsessional and dark ritual. The organ travels from life to death in a robotic allegory where the technological complexity and the lyricism of the moving bodies combine into a work with Promethean accents.
source: gizfactory

Swiss artists André and Michel Décosterd have amalgamated their talents of music composition and architecture to create Pendulum Choir. This device converts physical movement to music. A choir of nine men is harnessed onto hydraulic jacks that react to the pitch of their voices. The swinging and rotating singers seem to hang by their toes while leaning at what look to be close to 45-degree angles, coming very close to each other yet designed to never collide. Please see the vedio.
source: dlaprak

A coral is a living sculpture, Sound, Interativa is atypical. Summarizes the timing of the Arts into the future and has just been awarded as “digital”, recognition awarded by the Golden Nica Award, offered by Electronic Art Festival in Linz, Austria.

“Pendulum Choir” is a group of mechanical mixing and human bodies that emit sounds. A machine musical large organic composed of nine voices and 18 cats. And we’re not talking about cats. The 18 Cats are hydraulic machines that control movement, the spatial distribution and the sounds of this ensemble of machines and human bodies.

The creators are the Swiss Michel and Andre Docosterd, respectively musician and architect, plus artists. Are the creators of the group “Cod Act” to develop creations that blend performance and installation in the dialogue between sound and movement.

The choir was conceived as a huge organ that breathes and interprets the function of the lungs. The “Pendulum” is a living organism, sounds which change in response to movements of the hydraulic platforms, designed as a mechanical diaphragm. These platforms influence the ability of the body to generate sounds, that vary in relation to physical forces with which they face the choristers tied to hydraulic arms. The mechanical configuration generates physical limitations in singers and as a consequence in his singing.

This parameter plastic creates new and unexpected sonorities. Also tried to include the force of gravity and acceleration on singers. Well-known phenomena of mechanics, but little studied and related to musical compositions. The concept of a sound mass of human bodies in motion, undergoing a natural distortion under the influence of forces resembles a living organ.

The movement of the coral constantly challenges the cohesion of voices and its density and the action scenes during a trip can seem almost abstract from first to last breath.
source: hkbbfhch

Pendulum Choir ist eine Komposition für neun Männerstimmen a capella und 18 hydraulische Systeme. Der Chor steht auf beweglichen Plattformen und formt einen bewegten Gesamtkörper, der verschiedene Zustände annehmen kann. Damit verschieben sich auch dauernd die «Klangquellen» (also die einzelnen Sänger), die in ihrem Gesang zwischen abstrakten Geräuschen, repetitiven Formen und erzählerischen Gesten hin und her pendeln, und dies im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes. Archaische Gesänge und High-Tech verbinden sich zu einer hoch suggestiven, lebendigen Musikinstallation.
COD.ACT aus La Chaux-de-Fonds ist bekannt und international preisgekrönt für seine experimentellen Arbeiten zwischen Klangforschung, Live-Performance und Installation, die immer auch eine starke physische Präsenz in einem erweiterten theatralen Setting beinhalten. Damit bildet dieser Programmpunkt einen weiteren ästhetisch eigenwilligen Beitrag zum Festival.
source: jwyedjugem

メディア芸術祭アート部門大賞作品”Pendulum Choir” を観てきました。自動制御の台座の上で9人の声楽隊が歌い、パートの振り分けや楽譜に連動して台座が動くというパフォーマンスです。声楽のレベルがとても高く、でもコンピューター制御のシリンダーに固定されていて棒立ち、といったギャップが美しくもあり、異様でもあり、オーディエンスに感動と畏怖の念を同時に抱かせる新しい芸術です。もの珍しさだけでなく、表現上の必然が感動を呼ぶという非常に勉強になる体験でした。
source: absolutnetwork

Lo interactivo de Penduloum Choir evidentemente no reside en las dinámicas generadas por los automatismos computerizados, sino más bien en la variedad de sonoridades imprevisibles y a menudo irreales, que se generan cuando los cuerpos se encuentran sometidos a inéditas condiciones físicas en el espacio por el simple cambio de la fuerza de gravedad. Toda la orquestra es como un organismo vivo, que reinterpreta el proceso de la respiración y el funcionamiento de los pulmones. “Cada una de estas unidades hombre-máquina intenta cantar e imprimir un efecto acústico a los procesos de inhalación y exhalación del aire”, explican los hermanos Décosterd para definir una coreografía sonora, que alterna momentos líricos con explosiones caóticas donde los cuerpos humanos parecen buscar estoicamente un equilibro para interpretar sus libretos.
source: fastcompany


此乐器名为钟摆合唱团(Pendulum Choir),由瑞士Cod.Act艺术团队的安德烈·德科斯泰尔及米歇尔·德科斯泰尔设计,基本上,它就是以人体作为音管的管风琴,把人类音乐家插入矩阵之中,其核心理念是人与机器的结合。



