source: globtheatrenet
Avec Farfalle, la compagnie italienne Teatro di Piazza o d’Ocassione, spécialisée dans la mise en scène des nouvelles technologies pour les enfants, propose au jeune public un pur moment d’émerveillement interactif.
C’est en suivant les étapes de la vie d’un papillon, que TPO associe subtilement l’univers de la danse à celui du numérique. Entre rêves et réalité, le décor semble apparaître et disparaître en un clin d’oeil à l’image du papillon éphémère.
Univers fantasque et magique, Farfalle est un spectacle conçu pour les enfants, il n’y a alors aucune raison qu’ils n’y participent pas ! Pour remédier à cela, la compagnie propose aux plus petits de les rejoindre sur scène. Un temps en suspend, le papillon ne tarde pas à prendre son envol…
Théâtre visuel émotionnel et immersif. L’espace scénique, utilisant images, couleurs et sons, est le personnage principal dans les spectacles de la compagnie TPO (Le Théâtre de Rue ou d’Occasion).
Grâce à l’utilisation des technologies interactives, chaque spectacle se transforme en environnement « sensible » où la fragile frontière tenue entre l’art et le jeu peut être traversée.
Ainsi danseurs, artistes-interprètes, et le public lui-même peuvent interagir avec les autres, explorer de nouvelles formes d’expression qui vont au-delà des barrières linguistiques et culturelles.
TPO est réputée pour l’utilisation de grands paysages visuels qui se transforment en espaces théâtraux interactifs, grâce à l’utilisation des capteurs et des technologies numériques : c’est ce qui rend ces spectacles accessibles à un vaste public international.
source: examiner
Imagine an up close and personal experience of the senses as performers move through light and sound just 10 feet away from the audience on a specially designed U-shaped stage. In the production, called “Farfalle”, the audience will watch as a butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, while dancers perform as musicians, painters and mimes through innovative technology incorporated into the set and designed especially for the show.
The company was founded in the 70s when theater was aware of social and political issues, the moniker, TPO, is an acronym in Italian for the street or chance theater.
“It was meant to show how much theater needed to get away from the traditional circuit,” said Valentina Martini, the company’s tour manager.
“Today it is different, the company has changed, but the name remains the same to give continuity to our growth process.”
Fusing visual art, theater, and technology the company presents a spectacular example of a multisensory show indicative of an art form which is cutting edge. TPO is a company of artists who share a research stage in terms of a visual and auditory sense.
The story of the caterpillar transforming into a beautiful butterfly will be the theme of the performance.
“The goal is to create a different relationship with the audience from the traditional,” explains Martini, who says the company wants to include the audience in the show on a special level as part participant and part actor using interactive improvisation.
Some audience members will be involved in the scene and will get to understand first-hand how the process of metamorphosis works demonstrated by the use of props, light, sound, and interaction.
Directed by Francesco Gandi and Davide Venturini with choreography by Anna Balducci and Piero Lecoese, “Farfalle” will be performed by company members Barbara Stimoli and Steffania Rosetti and supported by video and sound by Francesco Taddei and Marco Galardi, incorporating some of the audience as well.
source: scottsdaleperformingartsorg
Children and their parents are invited to enter a garden-like world when Compagnia TPO presents Farfalle (Butterflies), an interactive theatrical experience. One of Italy’s most innovative children’s theater companies, Compagnia TPO creates performances for children using live actors, dance, music and technology.
Butterflies takes audiences on a one-of-a-kind journey through the life cycle of a butterfly.
The story is enacted by dancers moving gracefully inside a fantastic virtual landscape of light and sound. Throughout the performance, children are invited to play within this world, where projected images of plants and insects react to their movements.
Adding to the intimacy of the performance, the audience is seated on the stage surrounding the touch-sensitive ‘magic carpet’ and wing-like, sculptural set. Butterflies is ideal for all ages, from children age 4 and older to teens, parents and grandparents. An open playtime follows each performance so children can freely enjoy the unique experience.
source: trafohu
“Beautiful botanical images and captivating
rainforest sounds emerge from every direction,
the evolution from caterpillar to butterfly has
bever been so brilliantly staged” /Wexner Center for the Arts, Columbus, Ohio/
Watch a butterfly move. The fluttering of its wings looks as if a paintbrush were painting on the air; but it also looks like a dance. This delightful dance sometimes lasts but a day. It all happens between dawn and sunset.
And now look: there is a landscape, in it there are an egg, a larva, a caterpillar, a butterfly, a swarm of butterflies. They are beautiful, colourful, they flitter in the wind, they whirr in your ear. They are ballerinas painting on air with their great wings.
Onstage there is a butterfly house made of gauze and colorful images projected onto a white carpet and two big wings enwrapping all the space. Two dancers move, play, paint in the air; they are light and invite the audience to discover a fashinating process, the slow metamorphosis which transforms a chrysalis into a butterfly.
artistic direction: Francesco Gandi, Davide Venturini
choreography: Anna Balducci, Piero Leccese
dance: for two performers
digital design: Elsa Mersi
sound design: Spartaco Cortesi
computer engineering: Rossano Monti
costumes: Loretta Mugnai
props: Gregory Petitqueux, Valerio Calonego, Livia Cortesi
voice over: Caterina Poggesi, Charlotte Zerbey, Claudie Decultis, Ana Sala Montoro
collaboration on script: Stefania Zampiga
a coproduction with: Teatro Metastasio Stabile della Toscana
source: minimidimaxino
Visuelt, emosjonelt og oppslukende teater du kanskje aldri før har sett! Selve rommet spiller hovedrollen i denne forestillingen med sine bilder, farger og lyder. Ved bruk av interaktiv teknologi og animering av lyder og bilder blir dette en helt unik teaterkunstopplevelse for de minste. Publikum får være vitne til den fascinerende forvandlingen fra en puppe til en sommerfugl, hvor både danserne, skuespillerne og barna deltar.
Compagnia Teatrale TPO utviklet i perioden 2002-2009 et nytt konsept de kaller CCC (childrens cheering carpet), hvor man kan animere lyder, film og bilder via trykksensorer. Et magisk teppe hvor bevegelse og berøring gjør det mulig å utforske spektakulære rom ikke en gang fantasien har tenkt på. Kompaniet produserer alle sine forestillinger med mål om å skape et sensitivt miljø hvor den tynne grensen mellom kunst og lek kan oppleves på en sofistikert måte.
“Vakre botaniske bilder og fengslende regnskoglyder kommer fra alle kanter, utviklingen fra larve til sommerfugl har aldri vært så briljant iscenesatt” – Wexner Center for the Arts, Ohio
”Fortryllende blanding av vitenskap og kunst blir til lek for barn” – The Boston Globe