

MAN 2013

source: itsnicethat

Craig Green was the talk of the town a few years back when he smashed his seriously impressive St Martins BA final collection out the park. Now he’s reached such heights that even The Daily Mail are interested in him (for perhaps the wrong reasons) and is once again setting Twitter alight with fashion bloggers clamouring to write about his A/W 13 collection first. So why all the hype?

Craig designs menswear that is based on preconceptions of manliness, using harsh fabrics, geometric lines and enormous pieces of splintered wood. The brutal, almost prisoner-like collections are a nod to the pressures men feel to be “handy” or strong. No one’s forcing you to wear a hat that could have been cobbled together in the skip at Homebase, but let’s hope everyone can see past that to the truly brilliant creative craftsmanship beneath. Craig says of British menswear: “It is one of the very few places that is open to suggestion and not scared of change, and this is why it continues to support young talents.”
source: weartrends

Craig Green,毕业自中央圣马丁斯设计学院的训练有素的年轻男装设计师,不但刚刚才在英国时尚大奖(the British Fashion Awards)中被提名最佳男装设计新人奖,更成为了时尚企业中心(Centre For Fashion Enterprise)的最新设计室成员,被视为一颗冉冉升起的男装设计新星。

而他本人则表示,他会进入到时装行业纯粹是意外之事,最初他原本是打算成为一名画家或者雕塑家。2012年自学校毕业时,他还曾荣获了欧莱雅专业创意奖(L’Oréal Professionnel Creative Award)。在英国时尚大奖(the British Fashion Awards)被提名以及出现在颁奖典礼更将他推进公共时尚领域,为媒体所熟知,他也希望能得到更多时装定制业务的支持,今后也会继续发展自己的品牌