

داميان أورتيغا
דמיאן אורטגה
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Дамиан Ортега

Cosmic Thing


source: hifructose

Mexican deassemblage artist Damian Ortega creates suspended sculpture, diagrams and manuals brought to life, exposing the inner workings and mystery of products and concepts. In the 2003 Venice Biennale, Ortega acheived international acclaim with his breakout hit, “Cosmic Thing,” which reassembled a Volkswagon Bug, the populist car manufactured in his home country. With roots in cartooning and satire, Ortega’s tongue in cheek works exemplify his former craft and present new perspectives to commonplace items. Get a look at several of the artist’s most famous installations here on Hi-Fructose.
source: fortesvilaca

Damián Ortega transita entre suportes variados, discutindo os limites da criação artística ao subverter os significados e funções de objetos cotidianos como tijolos, cadeiras, relógios ou carros. O artista altera, decompõe e transforma os objetos, revelando seus componentes implícitos e simbólicos e criando formas híbridas. Em paralelo, conduz uma investigação sobre formas escultóricas fundamentais, como o cubo minimalista construído com materiais banais ou mesmo desconstruído ou deformado.
source: mymodernmet

In Cosmic Thing, Ortega disassembles a 1989 Volkswagen Beetle car and then reassembles it, piece by piece, but this time suspended from wire in mid-air. As a symbol of Westernization to Mexico, the native country of Ortega, the installation hoped to show the mass produced vehicle in a new light. Revealing how all these small objects come together to form the classic VW Bug, Ortega makes us appreciate small details while reminding us how objects can rust and waste away. (Humorously, Boston Globe called it a “car manual diagram brought to life.