

source: delentredeuxfr

Est-ce-que ce qui est loin s’éloigne de l’être humain ?

Piece for three dancers (length: 1h)
The piece itself is preceded by a twenty-minute preamble on stage, during which Daniel Dobbels reads a text about Oskar Schlemmer and his oeuvre, accompanied by video excerpts and danced sequences.

This piece is simultaneously an approach to and a sort of cutaway drawing of Oskar Schlemmer’s pictorial and choreographic work.
His composition is inspired – always indirectly and allusively – by representations of the body, by the sense of space, and especially by the personal conception of time of the author of Triadic Ballet. This idea of time is singular: it seems immobilized, but also condenses a wealth of very pure and exactly defined movements and gestures. This geometry, profoundly thought out by Schlemmer, is always threatened by a nameless decomposition, by a form of evanescence, by the spatial confusion his painting brought the eye, but that his scenographies averted.
In approaching his work even for an instant, brushing against it, invoking and evoking it, experiencing these opposing movements was inevitable, so the almost slow-motion time unfolding could offer a glimpse of “Schlemmerian snapshots” – these moments of grace experienced and perceived as intimate and rare moments of gratitude.
Daniel Dobbels

This choreography works on Schlemmer’s oeuvre by subtraction. Without his fantastic costumes, what remains of the dance?
“Line itself becomes a primary experience,” Daniel Dobbels. On this denuded path, Daniel Dobbels creates a dialog between the body and the pictorial and architectural space of the visual artist, by way of projections and texts, slipping into that suspended time of the sharing of a vision, even if it is a past vision.
Rosita Boisseau

Choreography: Daniel Dobbels – Dancers: Brigitte Asselineau, Raphaël Cottin, Raphaël Soleilhavoup – Lighting: Françoise Michel – Sound: Boris Molinié – Music: Liszt, Years of Pilgrimage, n°2 (5:42) – Schubert, Piano Sonata, in A.D 959 n°2 (7:45) – Webern, lieders 2 n°1 and 7 (3:00) – Hindemith, Piano Works n°6 and 7 (2:35); G-string Quartet n°3 (11:00) – Costume: Mathilde Méchin

Premiered at the Festival of Marseille in 1999 – Production De l’Entre-Deux – Coproduction Festival of Marseille