

ديفيد ويليامز الأردن
大卫乔丹 – 威廉姆斯
Дэвид Джордан Уильямс

source: williamsstudio

Williams Studio was opened in 1980 in Los Angeles, California and has served a diverse client base ever since. I’m David Jordan Williams and as a Photographer and Graphic Designer I bring a unique perspective to the work that I do, dividing my time between advertising and commercial photography, music, entertainment and interior / architecture photography. I also keep active stock photography collections with three stock agencies, Getty Images, Corbis and Photoshot UK. My Fine Art Photography work is experimental in nature and is a platform for putting my ideas in motion. I have representation for my Fine Art Photography with Soho Myriad in Atlanta, Los Angeles and London.
source: mymodernmet

My Modern Met has featured countless works of art, design, and photography over the years and now some of today’s best contemporary artists have prints and canvases of their work available through our art shop. My Modern Shop offers an eclectic mix of everything from portraits and landscapes to surreal photography and witty graphic designs. As part of our ongoing series of spotlights for the shop, we’re reintroducing our readers to the fantastic works available. This week, we bring you Venus by David Jordan Williams.

The photographer and graphic designer offers a beautifully surreal look at planets and moons getting in real close to the Earth’s surface and radiating their intergalactic glow for his series titled Our Solar System Takes a Holiday. In this particular image, we get a glimpse of Venus settling into a warmly lit street at night. The orange glow of the fiery planet complements the warm tones of dusk that fills the frame. Williams sets his surreal scene purely from his imagination.
source: ku-d

想象一下,当你正在海滩漫步时,突然撞见一个迷你月亮漂浮在海面上看日落,那将会是一件多么令人惊奇的事。摄影师和平面设计师大卫乔丹-威廉姆斯(David Jordan Williams)将这种超现实的白日梦化为实像,创建了一系列非常有趣的作品:我们的太阳系需要一个假期(Our Solar System Takes a Holiday) 。说起来 ,这些日常的地球风景和漂浮的星球原本也没太多不寻常的地方,但是威廉姆斯将这两者结合起来后,其中蕴涵的神秘感还是非常迷人、引人入胜。
source: tin247

Nhiếp ảnh gia/nhà thiết kế đồ họa David Jordan Williams đã hiện thực hóa sự tưởng tượng này qua bộ ảnh mang tên “Hệ Mặt trời đi nghỉ mát” (tới Trái đất, tất nhiên!). Trong đó, các hành tinh đi lang thang đến những con đường, đồng cỏ, bãi biển, rừng cây… ở Hành tinh Xanh của chúng ta.

Và cũng giả sử, nếu một ngày bạn được quyền “bắt” các hành tinh trong hệ Mặt trời đem về Trái đất để… nghịch ngợm như chơi một quả bóng, chúng sẽ “đáng yêu” như thế nào?