
Denise Grünstein

Денис Грунштейн

Denise Grunstein  Wunderfaust

source: cameralinkse

Denise Grünstein is know to most for her transboundary photographic work, the ease in which she moves between her artistic projects and other assignments. Aside from her exhibitions Zone V, Jaisana, Figure in Landscape, Malplacé and her latest image series Figure Out, she is one of Sweden’s most sought after photographers for commissions. The last 10 years have in particular been dedicated to staged photography, depicting women in a central position, with nature as her playing ground. The images place the viewer in the centre of a story, like disconnected stills from a fictional movie. Inspiration from the Romantic Movement, a close relationship with nature, a strong attachment to Art History and a unfailing ability to control the motive of her images, characterizes the distinctive and often peculiar image world of Denise Grünstein.
source: firstfotose

Denise Grünsteins surrealistiska, iscensatta fotografier leker med konsthistorien och låter klassiska bildvärldar möta samtiden. Romantikens grönskande landskap, Skagenmålarnas strandkultur och surrealismens lek med kroppar förs in i in i vår samtid och möter en förändrad syn på makt, kön och identitet. Denise Grünstein utforskar och tolkar sin omgivning genom sin kamera, men tänjer också på gränserna för fotografiets karakteristiska egenskaper i förhållande till andra konstformer.