


deskriptiv 3

source: solidsmack

Don’t you just love art installations that make your optic nerves twist around each other in jaw-tightening delight? LOVE IT. This is just such an installation. It’s an exploration of process brought to life in a 3D environment by Christoph Bader of DepotVisuals. What at first seems abstract shapes become a duo-tone delivery of slices and spheres to keep you looking for that vortex opening under your right armpit. Yes, that one. Check it out.

Most of my works are based on processes. First a process or a set of instructions is defined and then some variables within the process are varied to get different visual outcomes. These different result then form a series. – SuckerPunch
source: kayrosblogru

Все эти красивейшие объёмные скульптуры делает Кристоф Бадер (Christoph Bader).
Кристоф и его коллеги Доминик Кольб (Dominik Kolb) и Джалиан Рохба(Julian Rohbach) работают в коллективе под названием DepotArt. Больше их прекрасных творений можно увидеть на сайте.
source: bassedef

Extrait des séries « Kugeln », réalisées par Christoph Bader du studio de conception visuelle allemand Deskrptiv.