Дина Коссе
minimal dresses
source: design-milk
Clothing is discarded more often as a result of shifts in fashion as opposed to wear and tear. Consequently, a lot of fabric and other materials are consumed by the clothing industry in large amounts. These minimal dresses by designer Digna Kosse show that even the smallest amount of thread can be used to create garments that make a huge statement without utilizing an excess of material.
source: arhinovostiru
Всего в серии 15 платьев, созданных из различных видов нитей, сплетенных с помощью различных технологий. Дина Коссе (Digna Kosse) придумала альтернативу. Она хотела показать, как вы можете минимизировать затраты, практически убрав одежду.