



source: blogtangeezus
Berlin based artist Eno Henze with the Dutch National Ballet and choreographer David Dawson collaborated on a new piece called OVERTURE.

Artist and stage designer Eno explores the complex relationship between humans and technology in his work.
source: resonateio

Eno Henze lives and works in Berlin. He divides his time between creating art and stage design and being a creative director for large scale media environments. His artistic works examine how machines transform aesthetic reasoning and notions of the human. Combining theory with technology and computation, Henze creates images and spaces that oscillate between human and machine origin. Enlarging upon this focus Eno Henze has been curator of the exhibitions and symposiums of the last three editions of NODE in Frankfurt.
source: pensertextileblogspot

Eno Henze est un artiste en art visuel d’origine Allemande. Son travail est très organique, sa recherche touche surtout l’occupation de l’espace et le développement des formes à l’aide d’outils technologiques.
source: robotmafia

Eno Henze, geboren 1978 in Frankfurt, arbeitet als Künstler, Bühnenbildner und Designer in Berlin. Von 1998 bis 2004 absolvierte der Künstler ein Studium der Medienkunst an der HfG Karlsruhe. Danach war Eno Henze Student an der Hochschule für bildende Künste Städelschule in Frankfurt.