ETTER STUDIO | highlike


source: etterstudio

There is this notion that large companies stand for sophistication, success, security. We think of them more like collateral risk.

Technological progress creates an ever complex and more rapidly spinning world. Therefore we believe that the future belongs to either small specialized companies, operating in loosely organized networks – or to mega corporations, since they have the necessary dimensions to be efficient and flexible within themselves. Other companies will not be able to compete with small fluid businesses and self-sufficient mega corporations in the long run. Etter Studio is one of these small companies, with no intentions to grow. This doesn’t mean we can’t take care of large projects; we just do it differently from traditional companies.

Our projects are diverse and require a broad range of skills. For each project we form a team of trusted specialists and companies to execute them. They might work from our office in Zurich, but could just as well be in Tokyo, London or Amsterdam.

This allows Etter Studio to continue to work with the best people in their respective fields and offer our clients services of superior quality, while our lean company structure allows us to operate efficiently. This is how we want to work – we like diversity, collaboration and craft. And, we want work in a respectable and sustainable manner.

Etter Studio is an independently owned limited liability company (Ltd.) registered in Zurich, Switzerland.

We are flattered to receive frequently spontanious job applications by extremly talented people from around the world. Unfortunatly we are not looking to grow in size or numbers. And whenever we have to hire we are posting the job position on our Twitter feed. We will not answer speculative applications.

However, we do often work with freelancers and specialized companies. If you are one or the other and would like to collaborate with Etter Studio please do get in touch, we would be delighted.
source: studioetter

Lo Studio Etter offre un’ampia gamma di consulenza e di servizi di qualità, collaudata in molti anni di presenza sul mercato (fin dal 1983).

La sua dimensione medio-piccola consente un rapporto personalizzato e diretto, con risparmi di tempo e di costo uniti ad una più veloce esecuzione degli incarichi.

La clientela tipo dello Studio è principalmente costituita da piccole e medie aziende e da attività non profit. Lo Studio Etter desidera collaborare al successo del cliente, mettendo disposizione le proprie conoscenze e la propria esperienza in combinazione con la comprensione delle esigenze di business e di gestione, maturate in anni di operatività.