source: revistacodigo
¿Es el momento para reinventar el calzado? El arquitecto mexicano Fernando Romero participó, al lado de Zaha Hadid y otros diseñadores y arquitectos destacados como Ben van Berkel, Michael Yong y Ross Lovegrove, en el diseño de zapatos impresos en 3D desarrollados para la marca United Nude (dirigida por Rem Koolhaas), con el apoyo de 3D Systems. Los zapatos fueron presentados en Re-inventing Shoes, muestra que debutó en Milán Design Week 2015.
Cada creativo diseñó su propio par, con las diferentes estéticas que han caracterizado su trabajo. El propósito es explorar el encuentro entre un diseño funcional y los métodos de producción, estéticas y tecnología que implica la impresión en 3D. Los zapatos fueron impresos sobre nylon de consistencia dura y caucho suave. En total, se imprimieron 50 pares de cada edición.
—Ammomite, por Fernando Romero
El material sintético se disfraza de formas orgánicas en los zapatos de Romero. Pentágonos rojos que presentan texturas inspiradas en espirales como las que poseen algunas criaturas marinas preservadas en fósiles. Su diseño recuerda, también, a los dibujos de la naturaleza trazados por el naturalista y filósofo alemán Ernst Haeckel.
source: designboom
pushing the boundaries of rapidly developing technologies and showing the sculptural and experimental qualities that 3D printing offers, united nude joins forces with 3D systems for a major collaborative exhibition presented during milan design week 2015. the architectural shoe exhibition ‘re-inventing shoes’ highlights five exclusive 3D-printed shoes, conceived by a select group of the worlds leading architects and designers: ben van berkel, fernando romero, michael young, ross lovegrove and zaha hadid.
the select group of high heels embody an overall investigation and exploration into the union of wearable design, functionality, production methods, aesthetics and technology and using the highest quality of 3D printing — selective laser sintering — in a hard nylon and all-new soft rubber material in their realization. each shoe presented for ‘re-inventing shoes’ is available as a up to 50 pair limited edition. ‘re-inventing shoes’ is on show at teatro arsenale, via c. correnti 11 within the 5vie art + design quarter during milan design week 2015.
architect and world economic forum ‘global leader of tomorrow’ fernando romero has conceived ‘ammonite’ for united nude, a shoe that uses the most cutting-edge 3D printing technology, yet results in an organically shaped object that could have been found in nature, like a fossil buried on the bottom of the ocean.
intertwined in the design are the old and the new, natural and man-made and the connection between the human body, the earth, and the universe — working together to become simultaneously timeless and forward-looking. intricately formed geometries have been printed in red, with mathematically-informed compositions creating a delicate, cosmic spiral that meets at the intersection of architecture, art, and design.
source: artemagazineit
MILANO – Re-Inventing Shoes: all’Arsenale di Milano, fino al 19 aprile 2015, sono esposte le avveniristiche scarpe, realizzate con stampanti 3D, da cinque grandi designer. Li ha voluti Rem D Koolhaas, nipote del famoso architetto e fondatore del marchio di calzini hi-tech United Nude.
Koolhaas ha chiamato all’appello Zaha Hadid, Ben Van Berkel, Ross Lovegrove, Fernando Romero e Michael Young. I loro modelli, in nylon e gomma, sono stati realizzati con le stampanti di 3D Systems Corporation. ArteMagazine propone le immagini di alcune creazioni.
source: dezinti
Pek öyle görünmese de moda ve mimarlık aslında elele yürüyen iki dal. United Nude bunu 3 boyutlu baskı yöntemiyle üretilen sıradışı ayakkabı koleksiyonu ile ortaya koyuyor. Firma, dünyanın yaşayan en büyük 5 mimarının; Ben van Berkel, Fernando Romero, Michael Young, Ross Lovegrove ve Zaha Hadid’in ayakkabı tasarımlarını 3 boyutlu baskı yöntemiyle oluşturuyor.
Bu işbirliği “Ayakkabının Yeniden Keşfi” başlıklı bir sergide meyvelerini ortaya çıkardı ve 2015 Milan Tasarım Haftası’nda da sergilendi. Her ayakkabı çifti, kendi eşsiz estetiğine sahip ve her biri ayakkabının ne olabileceği konusunda sınırları zorluyor. Hatta bazen ayakkabıdan çok bir heykeli andırıyor. Young’ın tasarımı “Young Shoe” giyildiğinde ayağı kamufle eden kafes modelini esas alıyor. Romero’nun “Ammonite”i ise bir fosili andırıyor.
Bu ayakkabılar şimdilik sadece kavramsal tasarımlar olsa da, 3 boyutlu baskıların yaratıcı modayı nasıl teşvik edeceği konusunda yenilikçi bir bakış sunuyor.
source: blogmecatemx
Fernando Romero quien es un arquitecto mexicano participó en conjunto con Zaha Hadid, Ben van Berkel, Michael Yong y Ross Lovegrove, en el diseño y producción de zapatos impresos en 3D; de la mano de la marca United Nude y apoyandose con 3D Systems.
Cada uno de los diseñadores creo su propio diseño, donde el proposito era explorar la combinación entre lo funcional y el nuevo metodo que utilizarían para producirlos.
La colección fue presentada en Re-inventing Shoes, debutando en el Milán Design Week 2015. No cabe duda que la impresión 3D es uno de los inventos más innovadores de este principio de siglo.
source: appledaily
United Nude公司與3D列印系統結合,將建築和時裝結合,由五個偉大建築師Ben van Berkel、Fernando Romero、 Michael Young、Ross Lovegrove和 Zaha Hadid設計出鞋子,並舉辦展覽,每雙鞋都有獨特的地方,同時你也見證3D列印科技厲害之處。(楊婷凱/綜合報導)