source: highlike
Oeuvre: Back-and-forth est une performance reposant sur le détournement d’un outil comique, le ballon sculpture. Gaëtan Rusquet utilise ce médium comme outil sonore et sculptural, créant lors d’une forme ritualisée une sorte d’exosquelette ; un corps éclaté à l’échelle de l’espace suivant un code de couleur organique.
Cette performance s’adapte aux espaces architecturaux particuliers, ce qui en fait un outil de travail in situ efficace. Sérieusement ludique « Back-and-forth » est faite de nombreux niveaux de lectures, permettant autant aux adultes qu’aux enfants de mêler le plaisir visuel à une expérience kinesthésique intense.
Duration: between 50mn and 80mn.
Photographe: Mathias NOUEL
source: ivodimchev
It seems at first to be just a silly game with balloons – and a redundant one – which we know is not as innocent as it looks. Balloons that have become limbs and signs of what could be found inside, balloons turned into astonishing poodles, rabbits and snakes; light as air balloons that can be quite irritating.
Either this or that, organs brought out to the open air, uselessness becoming fun : a body disappearing under a heap of colored shlongs, of pink candy bars, and the thin latex skin about to pop creaking against skin and teeth, between hips and walls.
Through his performance and stage related proposals, Gaetan Rusquet is questionning the body, trajectory, passage, trace, between presence and absence, from skin to architecture.
This project his also about the confrontation of the intimacy at the public space, between interiority and exteriority, by using the deformation of the body until his disappearance.
After having completed three years of studies in applied arts in Paris. Gaetan Rusquet born in 1984 has received his master in scenography at l’ENSAV La Cambre in Brussels. Now he lives and works in Brussels as performer and scenographer.
source: lelavoirpublic
Gaëtan Rusquet né en 1984 vit et travaille à Bruxelles A travers ses propositions scéniques, installations et performances, Gaëtan Rusquet se questionne sur le corps, le parcours, le passage, ses traces, entre présence et abscence, de la peau à l’architecture. Ce qui l’amène à travailler à partir de son expérience sur l’intime et de public, avec le corps comme vecteur et matière en transformation.
Cela pourrait être une sculpture, une installation, un concert, ou bien cela pourrait être décrit comme le détournement d’un outil de clown: les ballons sculpture, ou encore un rapport de matière entre le corps et ces simili-organes fait de latex, donnant lieu à une étrange chorégraphie…
source: infraction
Gaëtan Rusquet born in 1984, lives and works in Brussels.
Through his scenic proposals, installations and performances, Gaëtan Rusquet question himself on the body, the course, the passage, his traces, between presence and absence, from the skin to architecture. This brings him to work from his experiences on the intimate and the public, with the body as vector and material in transformation.