
Gerwald Rockenschaub

Gerwald Rockenschaub

source: georgkargl

Gerwald Rockenschaub is one of Austria’s most renowned fine artists and a successful techno artist and DJ. His music is part of his cultural background which has led to a complex sculptural oeuvre, from the geometrically constructed oil paintings of the early 1980s, which can classified as part of the Neo-Geo movement, through Plexiglas planes and huge inflatable PVC objects, to his more recent computer generated animations. Gerwald Rockenschaub’s work is shaped by analytic thought and the principle of reduction to a few central elements and structures. His spatial installations in the Austrian Pavilion at the Venice Biennial in 1993 or MUMOK Vienna in 2005 can on the one hand be understood as minimalistic objects, while at the same time referring to the exhibiting conditions of contemporary art in the so-called white cube. He intervenes directly in the architecture of various exhibition spaces to expose or reverse the relationship between beholder, artwork, and the space, so that the exhibition visitors themselves become an aesthetic component of the installation.

In 1993, Rockenschaub worked with Andrea Fraser and Christian Philipp Müller in designing the exhibition at the Austrian Pavilion for the Venice Biennale. In 2007 he was featured at Documenta 12 with several works. In 2008, he designed the first external façade for Temporäre Kunsthalle Berlin and presented three large installations at Kunsthalle Bern.
source: ropacnet

The work of the Austrian artist Gerwald Rockenschaub, born in Linz in 1952, has been associated with Neo-Geo since the early 1980s, when a group of young artists concentrated on the formal vocabulary of the abstract avant-garde. Neo-Geo permeated the aesthetics of American minimal art with the consumeristic position of pop art. Rockenschaub’s art cannot be simply categorised in any particular style, however; in his animations, foil pictures, objects and site-related installations, he refers in equal measure to ideas and positions of modernism and to phenomena of everyday culture. In an act of radical reduction and concentration (the two basic principles of the artist’s method), these are scaled down to bare essentials. Gerwald Rockenschaub lives and works in Berlin.
source: montblanc

As pinturas de cores intensas, as instalações espaciais, os objetos e as animações do renomado artista austríaco Gerwald Rockenschaub (nascido 1952) são caracterizados pela concentração consciente em formas e cores. No começo dos anos 1980, Rockenschaub , que estudou na Faculdade de Artes Aplicadas em Viena e que se também se tornou conhecido como músico e DJ, começou a pintar pictogramas e óleos como se fossem sinetes que foram classificados dentro da corrente denominada Neo-Geo. Seguiram-se instalações e esculturas, nas quais o artista, que vive em Berlim, inclui a própria sala de exposição em seu conceito artístico.

Objetos em grande escala feitos de PVC transparente ou opaco, instalações com folhas de Plexiglas, cortinas ou andaimes conduzem o visitante e guiam a sua percepção. Em seu computador, o artista projeta imagens com padrões em lâminas autoadesivas sobre placas de alumínio. A obra “Folienbild” (“Figura em Lâmina”) (2002), criada para a Montblanc, também é parte dessa série. Em 2008, Rockenschaub deu forma à escultura monocromática “Montblanc Stern” (“Estrela Montblanc”), caracterizada por uma estética minimalista e uma clara linguagem de forma.
source: ecalch

L’artiste autrichien Gerwald Rockenschaub (né en 1952) est associé depuis le début des années 1980 à la mouvance néo-géo qui emploie le vocabulaire plastique de l’avant-garde abstraite. Le néo-géo a instillé la symbolique consumériste du pop’art dans l’art minimal américain. Pour autant, les oeuvres de Rockenschaub ne sauraient se cantonner dans une catégorie de style. Ses animations Flash, ses Pralinen et ses Intarsien ancrés dans la tradition du tableau de chevalet, ses objets muraux, ses sculptures et ses installations se nourrissent autant des thèmes de la modernité que de notre culture quotidienne. Ils en extraient la quintessence par le biais de la simplification et la condensation radicales qui sont les deux fondements de la méthode de Rockenschaub.

Il est également actif dans le domaine de la musique électronique.