


source: hcgiljewordpress

HC Gilje works with installations, live performance, set design and singlechannel video.

Gilje has presented his work through different channels throughout the world: in concert-venues, theatres and cinemas, galleries, festivals, outdoors and through several international dvd releases, including 242.pilots live in Bruxelles on New York label Carpark and Cityscapes on Paris-label Lowave.

He was a member of the video-impro trio 242.pilots, and was also the visual motor of dance company kreutzerkompani.

Since 2006 Gilje has focused on animated light/shadows, projected light objects and projected light spaces.

Born 1969 in Kongsberg. Educated at Kunstakademiet in Trondheim 95-99.
source: creativeapplicationsnet

Created by HC Gilje and commissioned for LIAF 2013, Trace is a light-motion installation presented at the recent festival Lofoten Art Festival. LIAF 2013 takes its international participants and audiences to unusual sites such as a garage, a library, a shed, a hotel, a cinema, an Am-Car club, a residential house, a former shop, an old warehouse, the ocean and other public places, to install the work. The curators asked works to ´question the current human predicament of being stuck in a continuous loop, where the predominant ideas that shape our world are unsustainable and unimaginative when it comes to solving everyday problems.´

The installation by HC Gilje consist of moving lights on LED strips that continuously illuminate space from different angles creating an intersections of form, perspective and shadow. In almost pure darkness the visitor is invited to explore the derelict space as details are illuminated and space is constantly reshaped.

HC Gilje (1969, Norway) lives and works in Oslo. He works with installations, live performance, set design and single channel video. In his recent works he has been interested in the intersection of light and physical structures, creating movement through objects and spaces, and in conversations with spaces using his custom-made digital tools. Recent solo exhibitions include Woodstreet Galleries (Pittsburgh, USA, 2012), IMAL (Brussels, Belgium, 2011) and Galleri 21 (Malmö, Sweden, 2010). His work has been shown in exhibitions such as ‘The Dark Universe’, Sonic Acts/NASA (Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2013), ‘Total City’, Insititut Valencia d´Art Modern (Spain, 2012), and the 1s Brussels Biennial, at Parc Sportif (Rabat, Morocco, 2008). Apart from exhibitions, Gilje has presented his work throughout the world in concert venues, theatres and cinemas, at festivals, in the outdoors and through several international DVD releases.